fresh off the tree


Well-Known Member
you have to dry it slowly it gets more potent as you dry and even more poten when you cure it. you will get a little buzzed but it wont be worth it at all


Well-Known Member
The THC has to be psycoactivated,the way you do that is to make it dry, once the thc gets dry it becomes psycoactive. Thats one reason why we cure.


Well-Known Member
if thc changes to CBN when oxidized/decomposes.. then i would say curing it has affect on the high not the potency.. and you can over cure.. or over dry.. correct?? by that theory the longer you cure the more CBN and less THC.. also why can you whipe the resin off of a bud and make a hash ball to smoke if you HAVE to cure??? finger hash when trimming??

Curing has the biggest affect on taste i'd say.. and then high.. but not THC potency since it degrades over time..


Well-Known Member
Curing is preferred by connoisers, as it greatly smoothes the smoke and increases the potency and the taste of your marijuana plant harvest

Proper drying and curing will also ensure maximum potency of the marijuana you have grown. Marijuana is not potent just after harvest. Some of the THC is in a non-psychoactive acidic form. Drying marijuana the right way will convert the non-psychoactive acidic compounds into psychoactive THC.

And this site will help you learn the many ways of curring