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  1. Saffron

    Using a Sentinel CHHC-1

    Thanks for the helpful info!!!! :clap:
  2. Saffron

    Van grow room setup

    Hey sorry I've been gone everyone... growing in a van DOES NOT WORK... I didn't think it would but I was just fed up with finding human and pet hair in my bags... but I'm in nor cal now and have a job doing some trimming and odd jobs and the future is looking bright I think things have been...
  3. Saffron

    Getting connections?

    If you write that the character lives in b.c. Swim could meet them in an apple grove on the border for a $250 .22 or a $900 44 that's almost new.
  4. Saffron

    Van grow room setup

    I'm ruined!!!!!! I just have one plant left and she is a little sickly... I think I was being followed and I went around a corner too fast and tipped everything. I stuck the broken stems back in the soil hoping they will root again but there turning yellow and wilting. I think I am going to...
  5. Saffron

    WIP Grow Log First Grow BagSeed

    Growing bagseed is fine, I did, but it will cost you more in the long run... What if you have no females? That would suck. Plus bagseed hermaphrodites easier becuase that's very likely why the weed had seeds. I grew for a few generations with bag seed because I didn't want to screw up...
  6. Saffron

    DIY light mover?

    Sounds good you'll tweak and modify it as you go! Try to find the simple elegant way, less stuff to go wrong
  7. Saffron

    Van grow room setup

    I'm not sure this is going to work, I'm going to try to get by with what I have for now.
  8. Saffron

    Van grow room setup

    Hi everyone I am a new grower and I want to do a small set-up in back, but its a challenge because I need the setup to draw as little power as possible. I don't have much stuff so I have a 2.5x2 foot area set aside that gets decent light through the windows and I sleep in the passenger's seat...
  9. Saffron

    Broke my favorite pipe, found this inside. *pics*

    I use to never clean my piece but now I clean it almost every smoke... The flavor is so much better through a clean piece.
  10. Saffron

    bottom of stems rotting and weak, plants falling over

    Hey it's not nice to call people loosers!
  11. Saffron

    Wont flower? please help!

    and remember that there 12 hours of darkness is pitch black can't see your hand in front of your face dark. Closets ect even with doors closed can have light leaks. Some may get away with out, but it is worth it they get there sleep. I think you should add supplemental lighting, flowering...
  12. Saffron

    Accidental revegging?

    yes that sounds the same but because these have takin so long I have no idea what flowering week I'm in, they should have been harvested weeks ago, and now there not even close. I think they should produced at least cooking grade herb.
  13. Saffron

    Accidental revegging?

    That's how I was feeling too much energy would be wasted because of all with all the extra bud sites...But maybe there will just be lots of production!! By the way did you have an interupted light cycle as well?
  14. Saffron

    Accidental revegging?

    Excellent thank you bolth for the help I will do that I thought perhaps they might be useless or something... By the way JohnWayneCFC how did the harvest turn out? I have a waterfarm one plant is taking up and I have some clones that need to go somewhere but I guess it will just be soil...
  15. Saffron

    Accidental revegging?

    Should I kill the plants to free up valuable space or hack them up or just leave them be the more I think about it the only reason I could think that the two oldest clones would be shooting out single leaves everywhere when it had normal fan leafs before all the branches are dence and...
  16. Saffron

    Accidental revegging?

    Hi I am a new grower, and have been growing a few bag seeds the first three turned out great, my two clones from my favorite one soil botanicare and one drip hydro GH flora line. I thought there was great progress until I noticed unusual growth and instead of producing regular fan leaves it...