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  1. J

    How long can you store bud?

    it will last for a really long time like years but i found after 1.5 years i had a quarter and it was just really dark and harsh smoking weed...mind you it was just in a bag not sealed good in a cellar the hole time...i smoked it and got high tho!
  2. J

    Females about two weeks

    Are they in pots inside or outside?
  3. J

    Sell Seeded Bud????

    Good Luck with the brownies and you should let me know how you liked eating them!
  4. J

    Sell Seeded Bud????

    it takes longer to hit you by eating it but once you feel it you'll know it.
  5. J

    Sell Seeded Bud????

    thats exactly what i did 10 bucks a square...and they just fucked you right up so it was a good buy for 10 each
  6. J

    Sell Seeded Bud????

    well if people buy it then do it up....have you smoked it does it get you high? I've made hash and brownies with my heavily seeded plants before and it worked awsome i even sold the brownies after.
  7. J

    growers in ontario

    Where's the best place to put them ever tried beans?...My area in the Gta seems too have no corn fields..Thats whats i usaully go in.?
  8. J

    PH Question.?Purple Maxx and Gravity

    Anyone else on the Ph question and the 2 products?
  9. J

    PH Question.?Purple Maxx and Gravity

    thanks boneman I just gave them the first shot of it today i used a low doasage to see the reactions of the girls....
  10. J

    growers in ontario

    I'm In the GTA too and thats true last year i cropped mine october 31st
  11. J

    PH Question.?Purple Maxx and Gravity

    If I water my girls with water that has a PH of 7 then will my soil be a PH of 7 also?....Has anyone every used Purple Maxx or Gravity Flower Hardener?...They're both by Humboldt county. If so i'm wondering how it worked for you...I just picked up 1 bottle of each to try them out.
  12. J

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    any new pics pitbudz i've been checkin up everyday i wanna see how this works for you going good or what?
  13. J

    !st indoor grow

    I wouldnt trim the leaves off the plant needs those to grow....
  14. J

    !st indoor grow

    Have you used any nutes? and you said you were trimming it, what were you trimming?
  15. J

    First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

    Looking good how many weeks was this at? they look similar to mine at 4 weeks flowering.I'm going to watch your grow from now on.:)
  16. J

    has this ever happened to you

    Maybe he means the seed bank site is shut down? what seed bank did you use?
  17. J

    Do Colas always fully join?

    I'm going to get one today thansk guys!:)
  18. J

    Cloning! Do you use Powder, Gel, or Liquid?

    what about Roots thats the name brand
  19. J

    my grow room

    Just trade them of if you've tried everythig else, dont mess up the other girls
  20. J

    Do Colas always fully join?

    well let us know if they finish up nicely