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  1. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    I have a question for you Knowledgeable ones out there, how many of you out there feed with nutrients on every watering? Should I feed every other watering? My girls really got a boost from there first feeding and I don't want to over overdue it. Thanks for any advice
  2. Toolong

    Fungus, PH, Nute Burn Ohh MY!!!!

    My guess is PH imbalance and calcium deficiency
  3. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    Both of those are great ideas thank you
  4. Toolong

    HELP plants dying or something is wrong.. need advice please

    First off that pot is way to small and what's your watering sched.?
  5. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    Yeah you wouldn't believe how hot my pots and soil are at the end of the day and clay pots would be to heavy to move around, maybe I'll double clay plastic pot them... say that 5 times
  6. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    So I could use some ideas out there, It was brought to my attention about black pots being bad in the sun and since then I have noticed how hot my soil gets so it was suggested to use white pots but there bad due to the sunlight traveling through and hitting the roots so the hydro store...
  7. Toolong

    Should I start using nutes at this stage?

    Hey Strangerdude I'm in the L.B. too, nice weather these days. Where's the pics?
  8. Toolong

    Should I be worried? + Pics

    Sweet buds brother!!!!
  9. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    Also if anyone has any thoughts on my smaller plant during the day her leaves taco up a little but after the sun goes down they go back to normal???
  10. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    Thanks for the heads up I'll check in on that and I guess netting is always an option.
  11. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    I had some budworms but then I used my "Don't Bug me" and haven't had another budworm but the grasshoppers keep coming. Any Ideas out there for grasshoppers besides chocolate covered
  12. Toolong

    why are these bitches drooping ???

    First off stop calling them BITCHES, those are ladies and they are going to take good care of you as long as you take care of them. If you're treating them like bitches I wouldn't blame them for looking sad. And get some pics up if you want some real help. Peace
  13. Toolong

    useing sensi grow&sensi bloom with fox farm`s ocean forest???

    Every plant is different so what I do is start with a smaller amount and see what happens an judge from there. Like when you try oxyclean you do test spot first, I know bad analogy but it's what came to mind first.
  14. Toolong

    Could someone give some the lay of the land about growing for dispensaries?

    So Barry it's actually very easy, not cutthroat at all. The quality has to be there and you should definitely know your strains. Honestly you need to pick a couple of collectives that you would like to do business with and talk to them, see what they like and would need so you even know if you...
  15. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    I also was going to say that if you see that orange spot on my O.G. leave I believe that is a grasshopper poop, what a little bastard huh has the nerve to eat leaves and poop on one he didn't even touch. l.f.
  16. Toolong

    Jedi Kush and Mek outdoorgrow SoCal

    It's still a grey area but if you have your rec. the D.A. will not pursue the case and then they will owe you the amount your plants were valued to you. It happened to a friend here in Long Beach and the ended up settling out of court for 5000.00 and the plant they killed would have only yielded...
  17. Toolong

    Toolongs SoCal Grow Update

    Hey guys and gals out there just wanted to share my latest picks along with the nightmare I came home to last night. So I was gone all day yesterday and when I returned home I always go see my girls and there was a huge grasshopper munching on my O.G. so I picked the little bastard up and gave...
  18. Toolong

    Hows (she?) looking? good feedback +rep

    Very nice, how old and what's the strain?
  19. Toolong

    Best outdoor grow location?/climate?

    Yeah you can grow legally with my rec and your conditions would fully qualify you for one too, I take it you're not in Cali. I got my special growers exemption through a buddy that owns a MJ dispensary that is putting together a team of patients and doing a totally legal large scale indoor grow...