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  1. Justinxuan

    Trying to plan ahead of time...

    definitely agreed. You will not be able to "veg" an auto flowering strain, but the Idea of vegging would work for any other.
  2. Justinxuan

    Trying to plan ahead of time...

    btw, I'm from Georgia.. so you're probably a better judge on the season. heh
  3. Justinxuan

    Trying to plan ahead of time...

    ATF Strain actually came from Alaska. Something you could try, being that in Alaska the summers are long and consist of a lot of sunlight.. Is to get yourself an Auto-flowering strain. (ex: Masterlow, Blue Streak) Depending on the size you want, you can begin vegging during the winter and by...
  4. Justinxuan

    True to the bagseed.

    Much obliged. BUT, if you offer me a boat, I'm gonna take it. ;) I'm most definitely pulling for the white widow mix! I also have gotten great results from simple CFL bulbs. Of course doesn't quite compare to an HPS bulb of a sufficient wattage though. Concurred! but for now, I have...
  5. Justinxuan

    True to the bagseed.

    Much Thanks! Lmao, agreed. Bag Seeds just have a bad rep. You said though that the bad thing is not knowing the strain, but I somewhat enjoy this circumstance lol. I like how the seeds can surprise you. Bag seeds are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. heh
  6. Justinxuan

    producing more trichomes!!!

    Agreed, I like the concept though. I've done it for every grow sense the first, So I can't compare the difference either. I also have tried the dark period method. I will keep a plant in a completely dark area for at least 36hrs. It does seem to mature the pistols and seems to develop more...
  7. Justinxuan

    I'm so's back to the bean

    agreed. If I get stuck with a male, I will separate the plant from the females and if the season is right, I will set it outside to grow and make butter with it l8a. A male plant doesn't produce much THC at all, but THC it does produce.
  8. Justinxuan

    producing more trichomes!!!

    It sounds harsh, but during the last week I will put tacks in the stems to basically startle the plant. The theory is that if the plant feels threatened, it will produce more trichomes as a defense mechanism. I suppose the increased heat and decreased humidity would have about a similar effect.
  9. Justinxuan

    Growing sideways????????

    I would definitely research a bit on LST (low stress training) It's basically the same concept, but works better when you actually need to water your plant. ;) Good luck
  10. Justinxuan

    if only my wanger was

    hahaha holy crap. nice thread :D
  11. Justinxuan

    True to the bagseed.

    appreciate ya.
  12. Justinxuan

    True to the bagseed.

    This grow will just consist of bag seeds. People ask me why I don't just buy some good good seeds, but it's mainly because I like the surprise. ;) Of course, I will only grow bag seeds from fire mids as to not waste my time on poor genetics. Sense I've rid myself of my previous grow due to...
  13. Justinxuan

    Help help help please!

    I would suggest using the paper towel method for germinating seeds. I normally start by soaking seeds in water and occasionally tapping the seeds to the bottom throughout the day until they permanently sink. once they've sank, I will wrap the seeds in a damp paper towel until they've broken...
  14. Justinxuan


    By "scoop them up" I mean literally with a tbsp or something. That way you can knock away excess soil. Now, if the roots are tangled, they will be tangled regardless of what you do. It's okay to cut a tangle apart.. it will stress the plant, but no more than transplanting normally would...
  15. Justinxuan

    Just some newb questions

    you've gotta hermie, but i'd just pick and grow. lol As for the cause.. When your plant is "sleeping" is it being exposed to excess light?
  16. Justinxuan

    can you slow down vertical plant growth?

    What type of light are you using? Depending on your lighting, if your plant isn't getting what it needs, it will stretch up to get what it needs from the light you've got. Sense you have just put your plant into flowering, I would also suggest topping it if you haven't the vertical space...
  17. Justinxuan

    Chicago cfl Micro grow

    Looks good! That's about what I've got goin' Just don't be afraid to get them cfl's closer to the plants
  18. Justinxuan

    soil drying fast..

    Well, I always wait until what I can feel with a finger deep into the soil is dry, before watering. Don't be afraid to over water it once to test the limits of your pots.. just don't make a habit of it. lol Sometimes I'll line the top of the soil with tin foil or white paper to distribute...
  19. Justinxuan

    updated pics bout 1 month into flower comments on looks very much appreciated

    Looking very good! seems healthy. As long as your fertilizer has a very low nitrogen level, high in phosphorus, and somewhat in the middle with potassium, those buds will blow up a good bit in 6 weeks. ;)
  20. Justinxuan

    The anti pothead smoker

    I would have to agree. Though, I'm surprised everyone on here ISN't bashing you. ha The current smoker is represented by gloating teenagers, lack of education, association to crime, and many other fashions. Now, I'm not saying ANYTHING about these types of people.. It's honestly not...