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  1. WhiteRhino69

    General Hydroponics Flora Series Nutrients (Grow,Micro,Bloom) Discussion

    I need some advice on nutrient feeding in an ebb and flow hydroponic system. At what point is my plants strong enough to feed on the mild growth stage on the nutrient feeding schedule (include plant height,age,etc.). I am starting my plants on a 400 watt metal halide tomorrow, they are in 2-20...
  2. WhiteRhino69

    Important Question Regarding Medical Marijuana Petition

    My state has a House Bill to legalize the medical use and cultivation of cannabis. There is a group of people who strongly support this bill and they are collecting signatures. I was just wondering that if I signed the petition will I be investigated or anything like that? Please respond because...
  3. WhiteRhino69

    can somone help me please?

    i think that you are burning your plants with your light might want to double check the distance from top of plant to light.
  4. WhiteRhino69

    Is this nute burn or a combination of things?

    most likely a nute deficiency if your ph is at 7 and you obviously dont over water. i would go to the nutrient deficiency chart and try to see which deficiency looks closest to your crops. to me it seems to look like a Phosphorus deficiency but you should take a look at it yourself. anyway if...
  5. WhiteRhino69

    super quick question????

    hydro and thanks for replying
  6. WhiteRhino69

    super quick question????

    how long does it take for a young plant to recover from overall nutrient deficiency?
  7. WhiteRhino69

    can i move my plant outside

    well you could move it outside but you will have a number of problems: 1 bugs 2 rain will cause mold or bud rot 3 some a$$hole steals it 4 wind blows your weak indoor plant, causes it to be highly stressed, then turns into a hermie so what i would do is go buy some more lights that is probably...
  8. WhiteRhino69

    First Time grower help, please!!

    i would get water with no nutes added and spray that plant down to get spilt nutes off of the foliage. that would probably be the only solution.
  9. WhiteRhino69

    seedling problems ?!

    I have 4 seedlings in rockwool starter cubes. 2 of them are working on their set of three leaves but all of the sudden today the leaves are a slight yellow green and the seed leaves are fully yellow. I water 3 times a day because the rockwool cubes dry out fast. maybe i am overwatering but idk...
  10. WhiteRhino69

    HELP - best fleuros for cloning

    what is the best fleuro tube for clones include lumens and kelvin please it is a 20 watt 2 ft light i have. thank you
  11. WhiteRhino69

    HPS Lighting, Ballast, and reflector review.

    i purchased my hid from it is a hydrofarm xtrasun 400 watt convertible mh or hps light system. had a good price and it is from hydrofarm a company name i see alot in hydroponics
  12. WhiteRhino69

    quick light question???

    when should i expose my seedlings to 400 watt metal halide? they are under full spectrum fleuroscent right now and almost one week old.
  13. WhiteRhino69

    HELP!!! can early fertilizing stunt seedling growth??

    when can i start nuting the seedlings week 2?
  14. WhiteRhino69

    HELP!!! can early fertilizing stunt seedling growth??

    seedling has been only 1 cm for 2 days now and the leaves have not even folded up if I have been over fertilizing what should I do? any help appreciated
  15. WhiteRhino69

    Plants sleep so which is best

    there is only 24hrs in one day 12+12=24 there is no extra 7hrs and to answer your question yes the majority of the THC and Cannabanoid production happens when the lights are off by the way just do 18 on 6 off for veg and for flower do 12 on 12 off dont complicate it. good luck
  16. WhiteRhino69

    help me! I may be killing my seeds!

    take them out of the cup of water and transfer them into a folded wet paper towel and then place that in a ziplock baggie not closed and then place that in a dark place you can check to see if your seeds sprout the next day but may take 2 - 3 days. you might want to do that now because you...
  17. WhiteRhino69

    fan on low 24hr a day seedlings?

    I have 5 seedlings all different sizes almost a week old and i was just wondering how long everyday i should run the fan on the low setting. thanks.
  18. WhiteRhino69

    Question - How deep is to deep to drop a seed in rockwool?

    I have a pack of rockwool starter cubes and i recently planted my seeds in them. The rockwooll starter cubes already come with a hole in them and they are pretty deep (about .5") and when i planted my seeds I might have dropped one of them too far down but idk not more than .5 an inch. So is...
  19. WhiteRhino69

    Help Please - How much baking soda per gallon of water should I use to raise ph level

    I know about ph up and down but I kinda need to do it with something I already have now.
  20. WhiteRhino69

    Help - Seedlings

    thank you i put them under the light and they're doing great.