Search results

  1. Gianni


    If you bought mescaline on the street there is a high probability its not mescaline but an RC. Its not impossible but its unlikely. That being said, mescaline has a unique energy, I could easily lay in bed and relax or go hiking, very euphoric and clear headed. Even if its not mescaline they...
  2. Gianni

    Trip Report and Question

    I had a feeling it was from combining so many drugs. But you guys dont have to be such dicks, damn.
  3. Gianni

    Trip Report and Question

    This is a report of my experience of with a alot of drugs, at least in my experience a lot of drugs. I am an experienced tripper with a myriad of different substances. Set and Setting: This setting is my home in the company of my tolerant aunt who would go to bed just as I was peaking. The...
  4. Gianni

    Shrooms Vs Acid

    1. On acid I always feel clear headed, but can easily be overwhelmed. When I am in public I always question myself on whether people can tell I am tripping, so I try not to look at my hands too much or do anything that will make me break out into hysterical laughter, until I feel like its...
  5. Gianni

    JWH-018 any non scam sites out there?

    I will tell you that non-scam sites do exist. Keep searching
  6. Gianni

    benzodiazipine rc's?

    To OP: If the vendor is try to sell you "benzodiazapine RC" it is most likely Phenazepam. I have tried it and think its good, but will last a long time. I took it at midnight fell asleep at 3 and went to work at 230 the next afternoon still feeling the effects which are just like a valium...
  7. Gianni

    feel like trying something new

    It all depends on what you are looking for. Theres: Mescaline DMT 5 meo DMT methylone various 2c's jwh's phenazepam mephedrone amanita muscaria Thats in order of my preference The internet is such a wonderful place. Good luck
  8. Gianni

    Food-Safe Alkaloid Extraction?

    I have done it with fantastic results, I am actually going hiking with my results this tuesday its going to be great. The tough part about this tek is getting the base mixture and limonene to separate and the fact that limonene is expensive. Do it. Happy Trails
  9. Gianni

    2C-E (trip report / summary)

    as long as were sharing 2c-e info I will throw in my summary of the substance. I have had about 10 experiences with 2c-e ranging from 2-3mg (intra-nasally) to 18mg (orally). 3mg snorted was strange, it was sub-psychedelic but still had significant upset stomach along with muscle tension. never...
  10. Gianni

    Demetri Extraction Questions

    My procedure as follows: add naphtha to jar, roll invert tumble every couple of minutes for a couple hours, take out naphtha with a turkey baster, evaporate of a little until its a milky liquid, seal in mason jar, stick in freezer and check in the morning. Pour remaing naphtha back into the lye...
  11. Gianni

    Demetri Extraction Questions

    I dont think there is any set time you have to wait, I usually wait 12 hours each pull for about 3 days or until the returns are not worth anymore pulls. I have a busy working schedule that prevents me from doing 3 pulls a day. I have never used xylene in a STB tek so I am ignorant as to its...
  12. Gianni

    MHRB Extraction

    The easiest and most effective method is this one.
  13. Gianni

    Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!

    Check out this tek I will be trying this one soon I will let the community know how it works. laters
  14. Gianni

    DMT the spirit molecule

    Google is your friend. Search STB tek and all the supplies can be obtained through ebay.
  15. Gianni

    Question on freezing Demetri....

    Glad to see the freeze precipitation worked well for you kindgrower, how about some pics of those oh so lovely precipitates?
  16. Gianni

    Perma-fried, Perma-tripping, or just a little crazy???

    I dont think your crazy, but I have a skewed definition of sanity. If you feel that your psychedelic use is contributing to your feelings of insanity then take a break, they are not going anywhere you can always go back. I would definitely slow down with the rolls though. Happy Trails
  17. Gianni

    How much for an OZ of the deemster? (DMT)

    You could try extracting that amount for about a $400 - $500 investment then move it for $100 a gram and make about 600% profit, but that would be alot of work.
  18. Gianni

    dmt Naphtha question

    Yes that would work but you would be wasting naphtha IMO. Check this tek out, its much more efficient in its use of naphtha.
  19. Gianni

    dmt Naphtha question

    Dude you used WAY WAY too much naphtha, about 150 -200ml per pull is all you need. Heres my advice, stop evaporating and add 300 ml of the naphtha (you are evaporating) to your base solution and roll it, invert, and tumble it, dont shake, for about 15 to 20 min. let settle and Collect 150ml...
  20. Gianni

    dmt Naphtha question

    2 liters of naphtha? Please verify