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  1. potspot

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yep bout a month
  2. potspot

    Help!!! gf sabotaged my plant and now its dying!! see pics

    exactly!! don't let her know that you were able to save them. let her think that she got the better of you. your girls should be fine. I had a similar issue where I put way to much hydrogen peroxide in my res. The girls were fucked! I had them in there for almost 2 days. :shock: :wall...
  3. potspot

    Can I harvest today (pics)?

    my thoughts exactly...either help the guy out or shut the fuck up!!! + rep
  4. potspot

    Could a poltician win soley based on legalizing marijuana?

    Yep grass roots movements are great (pun intended :lol:) but in order to get the traction needed, one would need financial backing or have a very large coffer of their own in order to get the publicity needed. Remember elections are won via the electoral college and not necessarily the people...
  5. potspot

    My Bullies : How to get revenge?

    couldn't agree more. I've been out of high school for 15 years now and the best revenge I had was get multiple degrees and certs out the ass. Funny now since I'm the one bringing in the 6 figure salary and the little fuck tards that acted like little deusche bags are stuck in their own misery...
  6. potspot

    Im guessing male!?

    could be male or hermy... I would wait though. you may be able to simply cut the fucker's nuts off and continue on.
  7. potspot


    Curing Bud 101 The last step is to create a way to bring out the full flavor and best smoke from the marijuana buds. This can be done by using an air tight jar or similar. Put the dried marijuana buds into the jar loosely (do not compact them) and cover them. It is very...
  8. potspot


    drying\ curing are critical to your finished product. After it's been cut and starts to dry, it will smell like CRAP! you have to give the plants time to cure and to convert the THC's non phsycoative properities into what you're looking for. 1. dry bud for 5 - 7 days until outside feels dry...
  9. potspot

    Starting Your Seeds

    germinating in an aerogarden works great! It's the perfect stage one. Simply drop seeds in....wait 24 hours and BAM!! you have a baby. When you're ready for phase two simply place into bigger hydro. Aerogarden doesn't come with an air stone and the res is just not big enough, so trying to grow...
  10. potspot

    Starting my first grow.

    This site has a tremendous wealth of knowledge. I for one can't seem to find what I'm looking for all the time when I conduct a search as the search engine seems to pull in a lot of crap..but you can find a great deal of information simply by reading the posts and threads. This site has been...
  11. potspot

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    I've just harvested one of my 5 plants which is in a CABY with (2) 90 WATT UFOs. For this being my first grow I can't complain at all! The lights work well! I have 4 more plants which will be ready to cut in the next week. My carmelicious has HUGE fat buds and are sticky as hell. I'll try and...
  12. potspot

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm using 2 90 WATT UFOs in my caby and they seem to be working great. My plants are over 3 feet tall, I should be ready to harvest in the next couple of weeks.
  13. potspot

    3 bagseed trees 4th week of flowering.

    very cool! you're plants are looking good. Nice stroke of luck.
  14. potspot

    Seedlings Leaves Facing Down.

    i agree don't touch it. If it's a good seedling, it's right itself, if not it'll wither and die...which is good too as you won't get anything good out of it if it's a crap seed.
  15. potspot

    1 1/2 wk old sprout starting to color

    don't touch it! the first set of leaves are unimportant, and will brown and fall off as the plant grows. Young ones need only water if in soil for the first week. After that begin introducing nutes at low doses.
  16. potspot

    WHaaaat is going on with my ladies??

    I'd try to change out the soil, flush the roots, and begin introducing nutes in small doseages. Start off with 300 PPM and wait a day or two and see if there's any additional damamge. If it looks fine, try and increase it a bit ...maybe 400 PPM and wait, get to week 2 and see if you can get to...
  17. potspot

    what the fuck just happened!! my seeds arrived. i think

    don't toss the seeds. just wrap them up and tuck them in the freezer. Place them in some frozen dinner packaging if you're concernced. Just cut a slit on the edge and slip then in. Then place them in the middle of all your crap. May not be perfect, but at least the seeds will store well and in...
  18. potspot

    How Many Plants Can be Grown with a 90 Watt UFO LED light

    I'm currently using 2 for my 5 plants that are coming to the end. I would change this to 4 as 5 seems a little cramped in my cabby. The plants are doing well though with two of them (Cheese, and Carmelicious) at around 3 1/2 feet. Sunlight sheds sells them at the best price that I've seen on...
  19. potspot

    3 Part Advanced Nutrients Question

    I don't see anything in the calc chart referring to "fish juice". I've been using strictly advanced nutes. They've been working great and I've had 0 problems with nute burn, but I'm obviously wanting to ensure that I maximizing my yield.
  20. potspot

    3 Part Advanced Nutrients Question

    k so I've looked at the nutes calculator, am I reading this wrong or am I truly supposed to add equal parts. This is where I got confused. I see the following Product Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Micro 107ml 120 ml 140 ml 163 ml 140...