1 1/2 wk old sprout starting to color


Hello, got a young seedling that was green and now has one leaf that has the tip discoloring. I have been only using water, but recently have added some ph down to get the ph to 6.5.

My questions are do you think I need to add some nutes? Should I put them in my drip system now? Should I not add ph down?



Well-Known Member
That is fine leave them alone. Last outdoor season I had some go from green to yellow and I waited for them to get to a month before I added nutes.


Well-Known Member
What was your ph at before you used the dose of PH down, if the PH was too high you may have shocked your plant due to the quick drop in PH


don't touch it! the first set of leaves are unimportant, and will brown and fall off as the plant grows. Young ones need only water if in soil for the first week. After that begin introducing nutes at low doses.


My ph was 7.2 from tap and I dont have a digital ph, and looking again, it looks like my ph is more like 6.3 to 6.0.

or is it watering? I water 3 times a day but have tried to keep the rockwool moist, should i let it dry out more?

I have the rockwool in a clone tray w/o the dome.

the temps are 73-5.
Humidity is slightly increasing but started at 35 today was sitting at 50%.. As it gets mroe humid, I guess I should water less?

Also, i have 2 others that are not showing any change... all remain to continue growth.

thanks 4 replies