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  1. I

    Calling All Noob Growers

    This is a really great thread, thanks for pointing me here riddle. you really take the time to look things up and get credible sources where ever possible. You obviously put a lot of work into this and I just wanted to say thanks on behalf of all noobs. My grow is starting out well and a...
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    WOW Riddle has a question???

    This is just a reasoned opinion, I have no real evidence for it only my experience. I (and I am sure most of us) have tried weed that when you smoke it it cracks, burn hot and tastes like burning death, a recent experience has lead me to believe that this not so pleasant experience was caused by...
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    NooB Advice

    thanks guys, most helpful. I knew about cutting the leaf tips off and I did that when I took them. I am a little nervious today because its the first hot day we have had since I started my grow, but so far seems okay. The attic is hot, like about 95, but the grow room built inside the attic...
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    Maximum Yield

    wow great info. I always wondered about the lack of N in bloom, seemed like a bad plan to addition, high P nutes always remind me of explosives and makes your weed smoke like them too...
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    NooB Advice

    11 to 21 days, thanks. How do you go about inhibiting leaf growth besides lower levels of light?. I have mine off to the side on a heat mat under a dome, they are being lit by 23w cfls that are about 14 inches away from the closest one.
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    NooB Advice

    Hey riddle and others, how long does it generally take clones to root? Just took my first batch of clones today and was wondering what the first signs of success/failure are. Obviously if it starts growing new leaves then its a success but how soon can you generally tell? I used clonex gel...
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    NooB Advice

    wow I have been gone forever! The entire website has changed. Riddle, I am pleased to announce that I am now officially a grower, got a very nice little Light of Jah growing up in a mostly completed veg room. Pictures will be forthcoming at some point and I am thinking about starting a...
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    NooB Advice

    Thanks riddle, what do you use for a wick? I imagine that it has to be able to more a good amount of water and that some twine or something isn't going to cut it. I want to be able to leave my house for more then a couple of days this summer, so this is kinda important to me.
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    NooB Advice

    hey riddle, how long can established mature plants in 5 gal soil pots go without any attention?
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    NooB Advice

    well, I have obviously been away for a bit and missed some stuff. Sounds like all kindsa problems popped up. My friends grow is getting absolutely hammered by mites too, must be catching. Spent saturday night being the judge for two different growers, neither of whom I know or had met...
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    2000w HPS Purple Kush Scrog Medical Grow#2

    always nice to have a loved one that supports your interests and forgets her pants :)
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    NooB Advice

    I actually have a big box of those that someone gave me, I have just never seen them expanded before. Sweet, I already got the right stuff!
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    NooB Advice

    thanks Norml, one question though, what are you rooting the clones into. You may have said and I missed but after you stick the clones into the shot glass of water + weak nuts and then the rooting hormone, what are you putting them into?
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    2000w HPS Purple Kush Scrog Medical Grow#2

    thanks man, I crashed a little after my last post. nice looking grow and for that matter nice looking wife too!
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    2000w HPS Purple Kush Scrog Medical Grow#2

    damn man, nice grow. just sat here and read the entire thing start to finish. inspirational quality. just wondered, in regards to aphids, what are your thoughts on just buying one of those ladybug things and setting a thousand predators loose in your grow room. I know it seems strange, but I...
  16. I

    NooB Advice

    probably wanna get someone more experienced them me on this, im a total noob too. from what I understand an autoflower strain automatically starts flowering on its own and does not need to be switched to 12/12 lighting like most strains. that, and the fact that they generally don't taste good...
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    NooB Advice

    sorry green, didn't mean to jack after your post. you are using lowrider for the autoflower or the size? cause the autoflower strains don't taste as good.
  18. I

    NooB Advice

    Hell yeah. got the questions worked out and I get to grow. Still have to build the grow room and get the strains and everything, but got the "GO" that I have been waiting for! give it a week or so and maybe some pictures of the grow room getting started. wohoo my first ever grow!
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    NooB Advice

    on another note, can you guys tell me how the activity meter thing works? I really don't get it. The reps seem more straight forward in that someone is awesome and then they get points for being awesome. clear, easy, but what is the activity thing? percent activity of what?
  20. I

    NooB Advice

    you could very well be right that the 600w may be cheaper to buy and run, but I can get the 1000w for free, and free outways over time electricity costs for a while. I will keep what you said in mind for the future though, maybe grow umber 2,or 3 or.....