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  1. pinstash

    good times!!

    what better place to be in Cali than humbolt from a bday get together and a sold out berlesque show!
  2. pinstash

    UK cheese ?

    so a freind of mine is ranting and raving about the UK cheese, he currently has some clones and i was wondering what this strain is all about. like, appearance, is it good smoke,what kind of weight can i expect to get off of each plant indoors. any info would be appreciated thanks in advance!
  3. pinstash

    Canister filter ?

    Are all can filters pretty much the same thing? I recently just finished a grow at my new place and could smell it outside with the canister filtering, summer is coming up and i think it will possibly get worse with the warmer temps. Thanks in advance!
  4. pinstash

    How much pot can 1 plant produce?

    ive seen a grow where they scroged a plant in a hole, it was 5 ft tall and 14 ft around producing almost 14 lbs.
  5. pinstash

    California is the Next Amsterdam

    why am i crazy? that is what the law is going to be if it passes. posession of 1 oz. and 25sq ft. of grow area, that is why i brought it up. it makes no sence! i get over a lb. in a 4x4
  6. pinstash

    California is the Next Amsterdam

    well the possession amount is week, its only 1 oz. per person, but the grow limit is ridiculous. it will allow anyone and everyone to grow up to 25 sq. ft. which would equal out to be more than 1 oz. in the end. im in between on this, on one side it makes it basically impossible to get F'ed with...
  7. pinstash

    weed makin u feel wierd

    an old friend of mine has parents that are still locked in the 70's,lol, but they are great people, and its nice to go over and see them every so often, i get to experience an era i was born in lol.
  8. pinstash

    Global Warming Update

    its a beautiful 75 today in sacramento something must be done!!!!!!!!!!
  9. pinstash

    Growing inside a Enclosed Trailer in the driveway!!

    good job man!!! i thought it was for sure a bust, but you pulled it off nicely!!
  10. pinstash

    What your favorate grow trick

    keep em thirsty, water when what ever you are growing them in looks and feels almost dry, and they will suck down water-nut like crazy!
  11. pinstash

    new to molasses + cocoa!

    i also run it into strait coco, it gives the buds a nice sweet taste.
  12. pinstash

    new to molasses + cocoa!

    it can be bought usually at any grocery store. make sure its either blackstrap or unsulphered. i mix it in with my normal nuts. make sure you warm it up in water. its also cheap like $5
  13. pinstash

    New season of South Park...

    i was watching a rerun a couple of days a go, and still my favorite episode is the ''IT'' sure beat flying! LMAO!!
  14. pinstash

    Best Games to Play while Stoned

    Cod modern war fare 2! Best game ever!!!
  15. pinstash

    And so it begins: My medical grow in Sacramento

    hello fellow sacramainia! the temp is great this week during the day, shit it almost hit 80 today, but the nights are still dropin into the 30's. good luck to you!
  16. pinstash

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    awesome jet boat jump!
  17. pinstash

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    67 year old Vietnam Vet gets harassed by a punk on the bus
  18. pinstash

    Fast shipping from HTG Supply, BUT

    they will also usually send ya some free shit for the inconvenience.
  19. pinstash

    600 watt to 1000? Thinking of upgrade, got some q's

    well for that size of an area i don't think it would really make that much of a difference. the only time ive seen a difference with something like that was the size of the hood being used.
  20. pinstash

    quick question plus rep

    sorry no it doesn't, plastic will take away from the thc value along with knocking some of the thc off glass is the way to go. if you donot have a large amount try using an old jelly jar or somthing like it even an old spaghetti jar if the smell is washed out of it.