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  1. grngoddess

    My first harvest!!! yey

    my buddy was using fox farm additives with these 2. they where grown in soil under a LED/UFO CFL attachment. i'm thinking they didin't get the amount of light they wanted. seeing his up next to mine (whom has grown outside) the difference is clear. i'm only 8 weeks into my flower and the buds...
  2. grngoddess

    Help.... ready to harvest ? :S

    that looks like all new growth. maybe even longer depending on the light, right?
  3. grngoddess

    Plant Burn = Early Harvest

    i threw some in a brown lunch bag and into the nuke machine on the lowest setting for 2 minutes. it was harsh to smoke but bombed me the fuk out. didnt' last that long either. but if the final result is better when done the long way... i'll be very impressed with this strain.
  4. grngoddess

    Wont be here for harvest, what if I cut it early?

    maybe you should leave her in veg. 20 hours or so with some kind of drip system or mister. let her get huge man.
  5. grngoddess

    Wont be here for harvest, what if I cut it early?

    i use a misting system from home depot 49.00USD and a .99USD timer from radio shark and it works great in my green house.
  6. grngoddess

    My first harvest!!! yey

    ok thanks for the advice. i watered the one with a light feeding and the other one's sun leafs have ben removed and she's been put in the dark. let's keep all our fingers crossed.
  7. grngoddess

    My first harvest!!! yey

    as far as the quality of the pics, i can't help my shaky hands... PTSD
  8. grngoddess

    My first harvest!!! yey

    maybe i should feed them? 1/2 feed? 1/18? i don't know. 2 of these pics are of a different strain (unknown bag weed from SoCal hella good shit though glad i found a few seeds only on fem) but these two clones of his are wiltin up leaves turning brown on the tips i don't know. i think one is...
  9. grngoddess

    My first harvest!!! yey

    you know, now that i look at it the little orange hairs are folding into the buds. but lower on the branches it looks like white hairs are still forming.
  10. grngoddess

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    is this ready?
  11. grngoddess

    My first harvest!!! yey

    well, i'm finally popping my cherry. kinda fell into it, i guess. a buddy of mine convinced my to germ some seeds and see how well they'll do in my garden vs. him going indoor. ok i said. so i go and do the whole trial and error thing and end up with one female. great i say because she turned...
  12. grngoddess

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    so what are you takes on this one? this is my first and i'm affraid it's too late now i look at yours... can anyone help?
  13. grngoddess

    Fox Farm Nutrients

    so how much water should you be giving a plant lets say 2 ft from the base and 18in wide in it's 2nd week of flower. i've heard about the whole 2in under the soil should be moist and that they do better in a drought than in a flood. i guess what i'm getting at is this... is there a measured...
  14. grngoddess

    Adding Nutrients to water

    as far as advanced nutrition goes, they say yes. their 3 part system says to add the micro then the grow then the bloom (in the correct ratios). something about their molecules getting locked together and not being able to be absorbed by the plant correctly. but it's fine putting them all in the...
  15. grngoddess

    Feminized Plant Pollinated with Hermaphrodite - Seed Gender?

    i have 2 plants going. they're both about 2 weeks into flowering. both are looking fab, but one seems to be producing what might look to be little sacks that have the shape of a little seed. should i be worried? they're both in the same location.
  16. grngoddess

    rooted clone goes to soil

    here's the skinny. a friend of mine has this clone operation going and gave me one. i placed it in a 3 gal self watering container with foxfarm sea soil medium. everything's been fine until today. almost 2 weeks into it she finally shows signs of positive growth and boom all the leaves totally...
  17. grngoddess

    thx for having me

    so this isn't the appropriate place to ask grow questions? hm. well hello i'm very new to this and to be honest, i have no clue what i'm doing. i just started these 2 from seed and aquired a clone from a friend. thought i knew what i was doing but no. ok well that's it for now i guess, hush...
  18. grngoddess

    My First Outdoor Grow

    i heard somewhere that plants should be only repotted, maybe 3 times max. Anyone else like to agree?