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    Stupid Move here. Told one person about my grow... I know please read and no lecture

    Keep all the equipment in place and plant some bazel, tomato or small herb plants. If the cops show up you have a legal grow and can say the friend thought he saw MJ. Dont attempt to grow MJ in the place you currently had a grow going ever again, find a new secret grow place
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    Yes.. It's been asked a thousand times before

    In Jail cause they thought they could get away with it and failed!
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    Provide ID for cops in MI?

    The Law in the USA is if a Law Enforcement Officer asks for ID you have to provide it no matter where you might be. I had a knock at my door from 2 police officers who identified themselves and then they asked me for ID. They was looking for my roommate who was not home at the time.
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    Wonder if cops post grow equip. on craigslist?

    If a cop is standing on a cornor and you ask to buy drugs and they sell it and then bust you then there is no entrapment due to you asked to buy them. If you walk by a cornor and the cop asks you if you want to buy drugs and then sells them and busts you then its entrapment Basic Law School...
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    elecrical bill

    3 lights useing 1000 watts each use a total of 2160 KW per 30 day month 10 Cents a KW would cost you about $216.00 a month 11 Cents $237.60 12 Cents $259.20 13 Cents $280.80 Most electric Companys have a low rate till you use x amount of KW and then chanrge a premium per KW use after
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    My friend got into some trouble, and you guys should help

    Have your friend visit a real Lawyer that has passed the State Bar Examination in your state. When I was young, dumb and stupid and got caught doing dumb shit I grew a set of balls and paid the fine(s) and went on with my life. 1. He knew he was wrong and still tried to get away with it but...
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    How does one become a Medical Doctor in Nevada?

    Try going to Medical School and passing the exam's..... Wait, I saw a web site last week that said you could get a Doctorate Degree for $100.00............... Where did that site get too
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    will corpus delicti get me out of a driving on a suspended license charge in MA.?

    All the threads your asking different legal terms trying to get out of the DWLS ticket. If it was that simple dont you think your lawyer or All Lawyers would already be doing this and if that was the case the whole state would be DWLS. Wanna try for "Writ of Kings Bench" next
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    can a plant come back after

    Just restart the 12/12 schedule. In normal outdoor grows their could be a 2 day storm that left limited light and the plants recover from it. After a few days you should see they recovered
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    First time grow, making sure everything is ok *PICS*

    The post you replied to was over 2 years old :)
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    Almost 2 months old....What should I do?

    Better lights is the main answer. Here is a picture of mine that had I had started from seed the 1st of June and sprouted the 4th of June, they had 30 days of Veg and 3 weeks of Flowering for a total of 7 weeks. The leaves are actually green and normal, its the HPS lighting that makes them...
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    new here need advice

    Most bathroom fans will move about 70 to 120 cfm air flow. A carbon scrubber will slow the air flow. The amount of CFM to cool the cool tube will depend on the ambiant temp, grow space etc etc etc before putting any plants under the 1000 watt you might want to turn the lights on for a...
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    A history of stabing and stalking people

    Seems his Attorney is better then the states attorney
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    can anyone explain what "motion to dismiss" is/ when it happens in a traffic case?

    You and/or your Lawyer must appear in court. The judge hears both sides. After hearing everything presented in the case your Lawyer would/could ask for a Motion to Dismiss provided the other side did not fully prove that it was you or the offense in question. You got caught behind the wheel...
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    Wonder if cops post grow equip. on craigslist?

    Grow equipment is Legal to own in all states. What you do with that equipment determins if its legal or illegal to use. Any Law Enforcement posting grow equipment, selling it and then busting you would have the case dismissed due to entrapment, As long as you do not talk or indicate the...
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    what should i expect? TEXAS probation

    Talk to a lawyer that gives free conseltation. He will be able to find out about your concerns
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    need help now

    Just hope that you did not have any finger prints on the stuff, also it was at her house where it was being grown at, not yours
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    Worst/Best state to grow/consume pot

    This is too easy..... The best state to grow/consume: Any state its legal The worst state to grow/consume: Any state its Illegal
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    When cops seize your home.

    If they sieze the home, you will have to move out and live somewhere else. If they do a grow bust they will have a warrent with them and in the warrent it has to list what they are looking for and will sieze everything releated to growing. They would have to prove the dishwasher, etc etc etc...
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    Here's How My Step Brother Was Caught Selling Weed

    Sorry to say this but if he is that fucking stupid he needs to go to jail and have big balls bubba as his cell mate