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  1. bubblebucketguy

    Droopy leaves 5 gal DWC/First grow

    I'd guess its either the root slime or ur water level is too high, almost drowning the plant and can't uptake oxygen.
  2. bubblebucketguy

    My plants aren't very sturdy in their 10 gallon totes and 6" net pots w/ hydroton

    I had the same problem, I use tomato cages, and tie the leaning/falling plant to the cages...problem solved!
  3. bubblebucketguy

    fresh or dry trimmings? i wanna make balls of hash

    yeah just dry the trim first, then put in freezer for a day or two till its cold and crispy all the way through, then fill a screened trichrome bag, the big or medium size i think mine is 125 and 75, and shake the hell outta the bag over a clean glass or smooth table. you will get a white/green...
  4. bubblebucketguy

    Anyone still smoke blunts?

    fa sho. blunts for me over anything else and i own pretty much all types of bongs, pipes, vaporizer... i like cigarillos best, i used to be all about the blunt wraps but found the cigarillos with the tobacco already rolled the best and slowest burn. my friends are all amazed at how fast and...
  5. bubblebucketguy

    uh oh......a "re-vote" on medical MJ in michigan in 2013???? WTF...

    I agree, let the people decide what we want! Don't let these higher ups decide for us, get to the polls if this evers matures and be heard!!
  6. bubblebucketguy

    ventilation questions / importance

    6" inline fan, hung from ceiling with bungee cords to stop noise from vibration, small carbon filter (DIY?), secured to outside of box with metal strapping of some sort, mount fan high in closet to remove hot air, cut equal sized 6" hole in opposite side wall on the bottom of the wall to draw in...
  7. bubblebucketguy

    Heat Shield [LOOK]

    yup, id skip that crap, bend the plants over and tie down, dont block the light your paying for!!!
  8. bubblebucketguy

    Never had any legitimate visuals? (Even CEV'S)

    I agree with Bigtacofarmer random things will do it, or best for me outdoors, I like to be in the woods with a friend or two and explore, the trees get me everytime while taking a rest sitting down kinda starting into the woods the tree trunks will wobble, and looking up into the trees, the...
  9. bubblebucketguy

    question about trics

    HUgo, nice looking bud, went a little heavy on the nutes i see with the burnt tips ;) ive been there ugh, im harvesting some ak47 in two weeks ill have to try that zoom and crop thing id love to see it that close!
  10. bubblebucketguy

    How to flip 12/12

    yup i agree with ruudong, veg nutes in the first week of flower for sure. how ever after the first week of bloom i just taper way down on the veg nutes to a quarter of what they were getting, and continue that thru flowering along with the bloom nutes.
  11. bubblebucketguy

    dark period

    wow two weeks is a long time to have the lighting schedule messed up, my guess is they are growing single bladed leaves or just plain messed up. i know this hurts but id start over asap to have a proper crop, ive fully grown messed up singles bladed leaved plants and its just not worth the...
  12. bubblebucketguy

    how much lights do i need and Lights off ebay

    id say buy from htg off ebay, they have good prices regularly but on ebay ive found they give crazy good discounts on their normal stuff they sell on their website, try them they are good and offer a great warrenty if you buy the right gear!!!
  13. bubblebucketguy

    Why are my plants looking like this?

    id say the mom u took the clones from is weak, or ur lighting isnt strong enough, what kinda lights do you have on them?? mine grew the one bladed leaves when my timer screwed up and didnt light them at the proper veg lighting schedule. might also be a deficienty like the other guy said but...
  14. bubblebucketguy

    going outside and wondering if a few hours of shade will be ok

    i think youll be perfectly fine with any strains youve listed in that spot, just make sure the neighbors cant see!! :) and dont forget to post pics
  15. bubblebucketguy

    please help answers please?

    if possible leave them outside and let them mature with the outside lighting schedule, being off schedule can mess them up and start growing more veg then flower, ie screwing up any chances of a decent harvest.
  16. bubblebucketguy

    Joe's Summer Outdoor Grow Log

    first off, why are your plants flowering already this early?? Brow spots can be mold/bug issues. from the looks of it id flush all ur pots with ph adjusted water, and see if that doesnt help out.
  17. bubblebucketguy

    How would you rate this bud? (snazzleberry) (chimera)

    So about an oz from each of the 3 plants, not bad, id say average if your just starting out, plus ur in soil with a single 400W light. i average 3oz a plant in hydro growing ak47. just saying... keep it up and yeah step it up jk good job!
  18. bubblebucketguy

    Need Light Advice!!!!!!!!

    pretty sure youll be alright just tie that green ground wire through one of the holes on the reflector. or unused screw on the bottom of the lamp socket.
  19. bubblebucketguy

    Cleaning hydroton

    dont you want to clean it somehow before storing it? like a rinse in h202 then a final water rinse then dry and store? Just seems like inviting pests or some sort of disease. Personall i buy a big bag and just throw out the old stuff. However if you want to reuse then idk dosesnt seem like a bad...
  20. bubblebucketguy

    Fan leaf's yellowing????

    u talking yellowing on the tips like tip burn? if so back off the nutes u are usinga little and see if the yellowing tips decrease. However if you mean the leaves are yellowing in general it may be a lack of nitrogen. Honestly the best way to see what is happening is to post a few pics of the...