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  1. Baja Rick

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hey guys, I hope I'm not stealing anyones thunder, but I have a question about cloning Auto Flowering plants. I'm growing in potting soil and have had no luck getting clones to take off. I've read that using AFing plants can take longer, but I have dead clones after about two weeks. what am I...
  2. Baja Rick

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    The most over looked weapon in anyones arsonal is the mind. It is the single best weapon we have. no permit required. Some use thiers to kill. Some use it to blame the innocent. Most though, are still in the wrapper, having never been used
  3. Baja Rick

    Are you an organized stoner or a messy stoner?

    My Wife keeps me contained to the Garage,,,, And, yes,, It looks like Grant took Richmond.
  4. Baja Rick

    Online Stealth Grow Box, cool cab

    I'm using two old stand up freezers. I got both of them for next to nothing, They naturally make a little noise. You can hide them in plain sight. I used a regular bathroom fan, hooked up to a 24 volt contactor and a t stat to control the heat build up in the box. cut an exhaust at the top and...
  5. Baja Rick

    plants devoling sex during veg stag?

    Thanks for the help guys. I'm still new at this and have never had the results I've got going right now. The males have been removed, I did that last night. My next question is can I still try to clone the plants that I decide to keep or will I have to flower all of them now?
  6. Baja Rick

    plants devoling sex during veg stag?

    My plants are still in the veg stage but are already showing signs of sex. I had two plants with balls and seven with hairs. Plants are about 18 inchs tall so they are mature. Am I doing something wrong?
  7. Baja Rick

    Newly Elected Republican Mad That He Doesnt Get Health Insurance Right Away

    I just see the two parties as children. one distracting mom or dad (us) while the other raids the cookie jar. How can this be fixed? Amendment to the Constitution; All bills brought before Congress will make sense when read by someone with a elementry school education. A goverment that runs on...
  8. Baja Rick

    Newly Elected Republican Mad That He Doesnt Get Health Insurance Right Away

    I fail to see this as much of a story. It is great karma but in the end the guy is loaded, and health insurance for a couple weeks is going to be super easy for him. As to the stupid people, if one looks hard enough thier are plenty of them to go around. Seems dumber to troll at people about...
  9. Baja Rick

    Health insurance Not the problem

    Sorry if I came off as hatin, I wasn't trying to get anybody into a lather. I'm just debating here. I'm NOT looking for anything other than debate. I hope this clears things up
  10. Baja Rick

    Health insurance Not the problem

    Sure,,, I'l go along with the crappy doctors, some of who shouldn't be practicing, but paying the good ones like the bad ones won't help. While stuff does get left behind, and some mistakes are made, I think that they are a rareity not the usual practice. Should you get your left foot choped off...
  11. Baja Rick

    Health insurance Not the problem

    Seems funny that nobody brings up the law suits, and how they effect the cost of medical coverage.Most docs are just trying to keep from being sued for millions over misdiagnosing a common cold, or other such non issue. In most cases people with the least amount of coverage demand the most...
  12. Baja Rick

    Ever Lose Your Constitution? . . .

    I'm not advocating any kind of terrorism. I also carry a pocket Constitution. I, howerver realize what it says (or means) is 2ND to what The Suprem Court says it says.
  13. Baja Rick

    Ever Lose Your Constitution? . . .

    I'm sure glad I'm not the only one who feels this way
  14. Baja Rick

    Health insurance Not the problem

    I think the bigger problem here in Ohio is all the ambulance chasers. I wonder how much litigation figures into problem
  15. Baja Rick

    How Would A Public Health Insurance Option Have A Negative Impact?

    I think what he trying to say is if the healthcare that is being offered was any good, the politicians would give up what they have in favor of what we would get
  16. Baja Rick

    John Boehner

    When will you choose to back this statement up?
  17. Baja Rick

    How Would A Public Health Insurance Option Have A Negative Impact?

    Since the big blow up at Bethesna (sp?) Navy Hospital, attention has been brought to how vets are treated, things maybe alot better. I can only speak for my expiriance with the VA and the Navy. No friggin way would I want that as a model of healthcare for my children, my wife, or my friends, I...
  18. Baja Rick

    How Would A Public Health Insurance Option Have A Negative Impact?

    Salt, I am a vet, and I spent timre in a hospital after returning from the first gulf war (broken shoulder) Maybe things have changed since then, but I would sooner see a vetreniarian than return to that. As for the buy in that you mention Don, If I pay money to the goverment it's an income...
  19. Baja Rick

    How Would A Public Health Insurance Option Have A Negative Impact?

    My premiums had been pretty steady till alll the goverment healthcare stuff started. Yes I did have to change some things around. I own a small business with 6 emoployees. I pay 75% of the medical and dental. the employees pays 25% when things went up I gave them the choice of a raise or the...