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  1. T

    Please Help Me!

    plants are looking good I have noticed alot of new growth since i gave nutes. I would like the get them in the new 6" pots soon. the pots they are in need to be moist in soil for the plant roots to grow through. My wife will take care of them wyhill i am gone i will have her check back here the...
  2. T

    Please Help Me!

    Thanks guys. I have to leave them for 12 days and my wife will take care of them should I transplant before I go?? And if I should, should I leave them in those pot the roots are sposed to be able to grow through them? Sorry for all the ??'s
  3. T

    Please Help Me!

    Well I Fucked myslef even more then by feeding them an 1/8 dose last night!! Should i tranplant?? Right now they are in the starter pots that you just put into bigger pots so you do not have to stress them but if i am going to have more problems i could chance it and take them out. i have soil...
  4. T

    Please Help Me!

    It is jiffy seed starter. Shit I lied I did not think there was any but after looking a the bag again there is 0.07-0.05-0.04. SHIT well at least it is not much i don't think that matters right???
  5. T

    Please Help Me!

    Well i got a humidifier today and watered with 1/8 nutes cross your fingers for me. the current temp is 77 and 37% humidity that is already a lot better wish me luck!!!
  6. T

    Please Help Me!

    Ok no nutes.. So do you think it is a humidity problem and they will bounce back. Oh ph is at 6.9
  7. T

    Please Help Me!

    They Are almost 3 weeks old and they need something?? That is why i was thinking 1/8 dose of nutes and a cal dose
  8. T

    Please Help Me!

    I just got some foli-cal and some bonide nutes 10-10-10 was going to try an 1/8 dose of them once my soil has dried out completely. Please help out with your in put........
  9. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    I just got some foli-cal and some bonide nutes 10-10-10 was going to try an 1/8 dose of them once my soil has dried out completely. Please help out with your in put........
  10. T

    Please Help Me!

    need help with these leaves are turning yellow and curling up. humidity is 25% temps are 60 to 65 at dark hours and 65 to 75 light hours. They are two weeks old, no nutes, 435cfm exhaust fan and my 600w Mh is 4 feet away till i figure this out. Cal/mag??
  11. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    here are the pics from tonight. Thanks everyone for your help..
  12. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    thanks i will post more pics. The leaves are curling upwards. I am using distilled water but started out with well water that was high in iron. I will have my soil ph meter tomorrow.
  13. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    Let me know if you want to see more pics.
  14. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    I have since moved the light up at least 3.5 feet and they are still showing more sings of yellowing and curling. They are still growing fast and look good otherwise. Not sure what to do!!!!!!!!!
  15. T

    Smurfberry Automatic

    Very nice i have five that are 12 days old and 3 auto-berry's. please post more pics as the flower.
  16. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    Thanks guys any help is very appreciated, I will move my light right now!
  17. T

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    I have 5 smurfberrys and 3 auto berry. 2 of my smurfberrys are yellowing on the tips of the fan leaves. I am using jiffy seed starter, no nutes and I have a 600w Mh about 15 inches away from them in a well ventilated 4*4 grow room. All my other plants look very good. One problem was i started...
  18. T

    I have read to much and am confused , plz help .....

    I have a ? I have a 600w hps with two 6in duct outlets. Should i have one suck out air and one pull air in to the light.
  19. T

    Smurfberry Automatic

    I just received my auto berry today. That was fast shipping ordered last turs so only six days. But i have to say the seeds are very small not sure if all auto seeds are like that or not.
  20. T

    101 Already Asked Questions

    How much co2 should you pump into your grow room and how often?