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  1. solvalou

    ***Lets Talk Auto Flower***

    im no expert but i treat mine as i would a photoperiod plant except i keep the light cycle on 16/8, i have until now used only blue cfl's but i intend to add some red cfl's on the next grow. ive never used MH/HPS so i have little knowledge about those. calling people pathetic for not answering...
  2. solvalou

    best MMORPG

    Eve online is the best game ever. I run my own alliance with a corporation dedicated to people who like playing internet spaceships while intoxicated. Stoned spaceship pilots anonymous part of the Swollen Starfish Alliance :)
  3. solvalou

    Alternatives to Weed

    Fetish Believe it or not, another popular use for Quick Fix is by the fetish community. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is used instead of regular urine because of health concerns. Regular urine contains impurities; our synthetic urine mimics the look of regular urine and provides a healthy way to...
  4. solvalou

    Is This Nute Burn?
  5. solvalou

    You can't handle the truth!

    who trained his fighters who supplied them arms when they were fighting the Russians ? You will continue to meddle in affairs of others and then blame someone else when it turns round and bites you in the ass. Funny thing is its happening all over again in Libya.
  6. solvalou

    They got bin laden's body he's dead

    living in a mansion not far away from pakistan capital and nobody knew he was there? there is a reason he has been found at this point in time, i guess we will find out soon , probably some kind of feel good factor type deal "please dont question what we are about to do in libya , look we just...
  7. solvalou

    FLIR and IR

    I've seen articles and stuff on tv where a cop has been walking down the street and sniffed out someones grow op. To me the smell is a much bigger issue than heat.
  8. solvalou

    FLIR and IR

    I would advise against haveing your window open just incase your filter if your using one fails I keep my bedroom door open to distribute the heat evenly through the house.
  9. solvalou

    FLIR and IR

    Oh wait I missread you post I thought you were growing in your attic. I'm dumb, the answer is no they can't with current technology that I'm aware of
  10. solvalou

    FLIR and IR

    I know in the UK they do actively fly out over towns and cities looking for possible grow houses
  11. solvalou

    FLIR and IR

    If you vent the heat down into your house taking clean air fromoutside they won't see anything but if you vent into you attic space it will make your roof possibility look hotter than your neighbours such could raise suspicion.
  12. solvalou

    ball and flower on plant that has not been flowered

    I'm fairly sure your in the wrong part of town . I don't think support means what you think it means .
  13. solvalou

    Autoflowers- Advise,Yeilds,Setups,problems and anything else we would like to say

    may I suggest when growing with cfl's is to put some lights around the sides of the plants if possible not just above I did this with mine and within a few days I noticed a difference and now the leaves that were under the canopy are not wilting at all. Now that there flowering I'm noticing buds...
  14. solvalou

    cfl first grow

    there looking good fellow CFL brosef
  15. solvalou

    My Ph is 7.0 Is that Where I Want to be?

    mine has been at 7.0 for my entire grow in soil and ive had no issues , there doing great
  16. solvalou

    Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!

    i heart Nigel Farage
  17. solvalou

    Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!

    ok i wasnt expecting that answer . i had massive list of failures and downright incompetence by the other 2 partys and now you fucked that up and i have nothing and i agree with you ffs
  18. solvalou

    Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!

    to be replaced by who ?
  19. solvalou

    Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!

    im going to vote no to AV its a stupid system with more flaws than the one we use , its over complicated and and out of the very few countries that do use it some of them dislike it. even if it happens in the uk i will not ever rate the other partys in any way and will still put an x for the...
  20. solvalou

    Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!

    if you seriously believe that the royals do nothing for us you are naive at best