Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They do run the show. Queeny does bugger all other than give her assent to laws, which i'll bet she doesn't read due to the language used.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah well apart from opening the houses of parliament for those feckless wonders. sadly they do run it. incidentally are you voting yes or no on the AV ? i think im going to vote yes. its not proportional representation but at least its change towards it.


Well-Known Member
the royal couple have been on-par with A-list celebs in mainstream media coverage in the US the last few days/(weeks?). It seriously is almost as if the population is...*gasp*...being programmed to recognize authority & worship prestige. hell, that's how i take it...the entire royal family has been associated with bloodshed & financial manipulation for centuries, and yet, here the lives of the wealthy controllers are thrown in the face of much of the struggling peasant public 'surfs'...why is this so?

Alex Jones manipulates truth. I wouldn't advise listening to him.


Well-Known Member
Alex Jones manipulates truth. I wouldn't advise listening to him.
JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY sponsored, right wing, Jesuit scumfuck. I'm banned from Infowars for speaking truths. :)

Dom, your avatar reminded me of this one, so i went and stole this!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm not voting anything. I appear not to exist. I don't receive any mail whatsoever from the government, be it the census or my tax forms, i receive nowt :lol: according to the utility companies no premises exists at the address i give them. I'm actually owed about £400 tax back from last year but i've decided to sacrifice the money in exchange for my continued non-existence :)

I'd vote for none of the above. I love that concept from Brewsters millions :D

And no, i do not beleive they do anything of any vitality for us. By all means call me naive, maybe i am, but i am not aware of a single public service or in fact anything of importance to our national interest or wellbeing, unless you're talking the third party consequences of having a monarch, such as bringing in tourism money etc. But no, i am totally unaware of how the queen is making up the budgets and that lot, considering it's her country. I would genuinely like to hear what vital things the monarch does for us that the government isn't in charge of already.

I have zero respect for her though, she holds the power to disolve parliament, yet she seems to think what we have now is good enough for the wellbeing of her country and her slaves.


Active Member
hahah well apart from opening the houses of parliament for those feckless wonders. sadly they do run it. incidentally are you voting yes or no on the AV ? i think im going to vote yes. its not proportional representation but at least its change towards it.
im going to vote no to AV its a stupid system with more flaws than the one we use , its over complicated and and out of the very few countries that do use it some of them dislike it. even if it happens in the uk i will not ever rate the other partys in any way and will still put an x for the person i want to win. if i vote conservative and he does not win there is no way i want my vote to count for any other party.


Well-Known Member
i cant believe any americans care about those losers... who gives a damn about the royal family..they symbolize what was so wrong with people being born into a class system..fuck those douchebags

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i hear that i don't want my second choice or your second choice in power. that's getting us far isn't it!? i don't understand why were being herded towards this and the third option of proportional representation isn't being offered. oh yeah cos we'd have Cameron out faster than you could write an X.


Active Member
yeah i hear that i don't want my second choice or your second choice in power. that's getting us far isn't it!? i don't understand why were being herded towards this and the third option of proportional representation isn't being offered. oh yeah cos we'd have Cameron out faster than you could write an X.
to be replaced by who ?


Active Member
ok i wasnt expecting that answer . i had massive list of failures and downright incompetence by the other 2 partys and now you fucked that up and i have nothing and i agree with you ffs

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Am i right in thinking that the current AV system they are pushing for requires a mandatorysecond choice? what happens if you make one choice and write a big fuck you next to the rest of them? As you say, i'm only voting for one party if i vote (which i wont), if they were so similar that you could go for either or then why the heck are they not just one party and winning :D

Personally, parliament is about proportional representation of the voting demographic, so in my mind, if there's no straight up winner, then they should all be bloody sacked for being useless and quite clearly not what the demographic wants when it comes to a leader. Maybe following the sacking the next set of leaders (AV for leaders :lol:) step up and we see what happens. I mean i'm a liberal idealist and that lot, so lib dems is one of the better parties, but you an bet your arse i'd never vote for them while clegg remains in charge, i don't care if it's a coalition, you pledged no to fee rises and then thought nah, fuck it we're not libdems our pledge means squat, he lost all respect after winning it so wonderfully in the tv debates.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nigel farage is a dick, so's alex jones i dont much like the royalties but they dont do fuck all apart from sit there looking pompus they're too feckless to be part of global conspiracy
im not a massive fan of the ukip party but for the most part they have common sense solutions but they get labelled as racists yadda yadda. the royals may not have official roles(though they do , however few) they command public focus they are the new standard they set precedents without getting overboard princess Diana changed how life was in a lot of 3rd world countries. Harry is his mother and the love child of james hewit he knows hes never going to be king so he has a blast getting pssed and stoned. and shooting johnny taliban at the weekend.
ok i wasnt expecting that answer . i had massive list of failures and downright incompetence by the other 2 partys and now you fucked that up and i have nothing and i agree with you ffs
ii have the misfortune of having a father who ran for a seat in parliament. i love him dear but talking politics is hard. they have common sense policies but they get labelled new bnp. or in with those nutters the EDL. its racist to say there is a problem with immigration... im not right wing but Enoch was right.