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  1. G

    400hps in comparison to 600hps help

    I've been using two 600w hps in a about 8*3 well reflected area. I normally have between 5 - 6 fairly bushy plants white widow from greenhouse. I've been averaging 4oz per plant. I have some extra clones and a spare 400w hps plus some room to spare. I'm wondering how many I can put under the...
  2. G

    General Help - Thanks

    i dont feed them anything but water until i start to see real fan leaves... if you have them in good soil i would just water them with distilled water for the next at least 4 weeks at that point they may be ready.
  3. G

    2nd Grow. have some questions (white widow)(pics inside)

    those yellow one the plant doesn't need any more. couple of them look a bit under the weather. what's your temp range, light schedule, feed protocol? also i am on my 3rd widow crop and IMO they are light hogs and to get the most out of them they need lots of light. last crop i had two big bug...
  4. G

    Before I go in too far..

    you should not be spraying a 3 week old sprout with insecticides first of all. even a larger plant im not a fan of using chemical insect killers on. your guna put that ish in your body remember. get some neem oil and or asamax. don't use it till the strong enough to handle it. three weeks isn't...
  5. G

    are my ladies okay ?

    sounds like one of two things or both... the seed was to high in the medium when it sprouted and the light is to far away / to weak. make sure any super light green to white part of the lower stem is in the medium and move your light closer not so close it burns it but close so the plant doesn't...
  6. G

    First Time Grower and poster having problems.

    i use fox farm also and am in the north eastern us. i have found that with some strains, fox farm and the water in my area i get this problem also. i use cal-mag i every watering or a nutrient juice with cal-mag in it. this and i allow my gallons to reach room temp under the lights between...
  7. G

    Can anybody tell me how to properly flush my plants please

    i've always flushed, but i only have two in soil at the moment im midway through week 6 and was planning on beginning my flush steps over the next two weeks. however, after reading this thread i am wondering if weight wise i may be better off not flushing and just focusing on a perfect cure?
  8. G

    questions about plant steroids

    this is interesting thanks.
  9. G

    questions about plant steroids

    idk if you just don't understand the question or you just have limited knowledge yourself. nutrients for plants are basically potassium phosphorus and nitrogen just like for a mammal they are protein fat and carbohydrate. hormones like testosterone or hgh cause a mammal to synthesis those...
  10. G

    A-Hole a.k.a ASS HOLE = awesome

    i was useing green light as a metaphor thanks cannabis love for being smart enough to catch that. as for picutres its just not something i feel comfortable with sorry if that bother people out here.
  11. G

    questions about plant steroids

    so I've done some searching here and with google and I'm not finding the info I'm looking for specifically. let me break it down: 1) are there plant steroids like testosterone and hgh for humans and other mammals? 2) if there are steroids like this for plants what are they and are they usable on...
  12. G

    A-Hole a.k.a ASS HOLE = awesome

    yes be sarcastic implying your smarter then me when your encouragingme to post hard evidence of a felony on a public forum. I’m so dumb that I wontdo that.
  13. G

    A-Hole a.k.a ASS HOLE = awesome

    actually we bought white widow and big bud and the guy there kept pushin us towards this so he threw it in.
  14. G

    A-Hole a.k.a ASS HOLE = awesome

    no sir i dont put images online like that. they are always watching.
  15. G

    A-Hole a.k.a ASS HOLE = awesome

    Ok so end of june I went out here looking for someone that has some insight on a strain I got from a very excellent seed bank in Toronto. We went looking for WW which we got, but I am far more impressed with this sleeper strain. The guy at the store pushed us into it we had never herd about it...
  16. G

    A-Hole From Toronto But Orig On West Coast

    couple months ago i went to toronto to visit a bank n update my genetics we got greenhouse brand widow which is predictable thus far. a big-bud strain from western canada which hasnt realy shocked me yet and this other strain i never herd of called A-HOLE short of course for ass hole. its some...
  17. G

    Led Users Unite!

    This thread is 234 pages long and still growing you think im guna sit down and read this thing like a book… no I am not. So I ask again… I have 2 – 600w hps now and the heat and energy usage is killing me. I have been looking at the t5 ho’s and the led roads. I saw this thread and am interested...
  18. G

    Heat issues and ventilation

    I have around a 90 square foot attic room with two 600w hps lights. I have the energy efficient self cooled ballasts and fully contained hoods which I air cool and vent straight out of the room. I am taking in an equal amount of air as I am putting out so that’s fine. The real issue comes in...
  19. G

    HPS vs. Fluorescent advice needed.

    thanks guys got some good input end result not guna buy those t5's ill stick with what i got and keep banging my head into a wall trying to vent the room enough. thanks
  20. G

    Possaible male plant???

    Looks female, but and big but those feminized seeds can have strong hermy genetics in them if they have any heat or water stresses. So keep looking for male pistols. If you catch it early you can save the rest.