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  1. D

    Here is my harvest Guys and dolls

    wow man seeing yours gives me hope to keep-on-keeping-on looks awesome
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    Custom Veg/Flower Room.

    that looks awesome cant wait to see what it produces
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    a heat lamp will burn them up especilly seedlings and your suppost to wait till the first inch or so of the soil is dry before you water...
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    5 Weeks Flowering Possible Bug?/Nute? Problem...

    there crispy right yeah looks alot like heat burn
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    Need some advise, leaves pointing downward

    I have the same thing happening to mine altho the plant it self is doing great its been in flower about 2 weeks now and it doesnt happen to the top leaves only the lower ones it doesnt seem to be affecting the plant at all
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    So, my outdoor shed idea didn't work. Will this?

    dude I have that exact set up in a closet top part veg. lower flower I used Cfl's 2 100w and that was one plant
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    Michigan Medical 2010 outdoor grow - bud porn

    very cool hope to see more
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    Sylvania HPS/MH bulbs at Lowes?!

    the hps bulbs at lowes and home depot are for street lights and outdoor use.I used two of them before and got the same yield I would have got if I just used regular 100w Cfl
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    First homemade box, need opinions

    hey I started my first "real" grow about a month and a week ago started under 100w cfl and mine are going great moved them into 5gal buckets cant wait to see what happens