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    6 Days to Harvest, plants got too hot and turned brown.. any remedy?

    yeah, I was only gone for the day... :( very dissapointing to come home too..
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    6 Days to Harvest, plants got too hot and turned brown.. any remedy?

    Thanks *BUDS... I already let them wake up this morning, so I'm thinking I'll give em all day (maybe a short one) then cut em down while they are asleep later... Here are some before and after shots
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    6 Days to Harvest, plants got too hot and turned brown.. any remedy?

    Should I keep them in a longer dark cycle? I fell like they hate light right now.
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    6 Days to Harvest, plants got too hot and turned brown.. any remedy?

    Hey, I can have some pics up in the morning, but for now.. I left town and came back today to find out it got HOT here.. My room was at 90 degrees F and 16% Humidity!!! I'm on a scrog and all the plants directly under the hood turned brow:cry: Some of the outside stuff is still nice looking...
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    DWC, G13 X Haze and TGA Vortex. First Grow Ever!

    Lol yeah.. First one ever.. First plant of any kind really to ever take care of. But Like I said I didn't do anything other than follow directions. I'm running home made CO2 generators on my second grow of all vortex and its at least twice as good as the first... Thanks for looking!
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    DWC, G13 X Haze and TGA Vortex. First Grow Ever!

    Lol I should come back and update this with pics.. It wasn't a bad result at all.. I ended up finding 3 seeds in 9 OZ's that I pulled.. I progressive harvested the vortex which worked out pretty good! I've been getting sick reviews on it.. some people say its the best they ever had!! But I...
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    2 grow lights, 1 scrog, should I rotate MH with HPS?

    Hey thanks rockbud! Its actually 3 plants though... But they got WAY too crowded and 2 would have been able to fill the screen easy. Its hard to gauge how long I vegged them... Cause I cloned them and left them under some of those 60w florescent (i think) bulbs that go in your incandescent...
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    2 grow lights, 1 scrog, should I rotate MH with HPS?

    Here are a few shots of my scrog as of today (maybe 1 or 2 from a few days back) Its 3 Vortex clones taken from that tall Vortex ex-mother in the back.. And if you can see it I have an old Jack Herer mother back there too
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    2 grow lights, 1 scrog, should I rotate MH with HPS?

    Yeah I might just end up bending my hood out of the way so its easier/safer... The ScrOG is going GREAT!! I'll post up a couple of pics when i get them uploaded.. I'm growing medical so I have to keep my plant count low, otherwise I'd prob go with SOG just for the speed... Scrog certainly doesnt...
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    BF G-13 Haze anyone????

    I know this is an old thread but it was #1 on google when I searched for BF G13 Haze Strain info... I'm currently manicuring 2 G13/Haze's that I had ScrOG'd for my first ever grow.. It was also running with a TGA Vortex... The G13 throughout the entire process was a much more impressive...
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    Should I pump CO2 into my DWC resevoir?

    I was looking into DIY CO2 generators when I saw a bunch of people on youtube pumping them into their aquarium and making their underwater plants explode with growth... And I was wondering if this would work in my DWC water? Thanks, SWK
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    Should I pump CO2 into my DWC resevoir?

    I was looking up do it yourself guides for CO2 generators and came across a bunch of pictures of people pumping them into aquariums to make underwater plants explode with growth, and was wondering if it would work the same for MJ? Thanks, SWK
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    2 grow lights, 1 scrog, should I rotate MH with HPS?

    Ah that glass in the way makes more sense... The only reason its a little difficult is cause one of my lights has a built in ballast and the MH light has to be squeezed in... It feels like its going to break everytime
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    2 grow lights, 1 scrog, should I rotate MH with HPS?

    Rotating the plants would be impossible... And I dont have enough room for a light mover.. Besides the work, would this be a good idea?
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    2 grow lights, 1 scrog, should I rotate MH with HPS?

    So I'm about 10 days into flower on a scrog that was too big for the light it had it under (400W switchable but running MH still). So I moved in my other 400 in over it and have it running the HPS and it looks awesome.. But clearly one side is getting way more HPS and the other way more MH...
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    How do I get my ScrOG to be less bushy?

    lol on that first pic I got clones from Craigslist that were 16 -18-17 inches tall already.. then vegged for a couple more weeks (first time grower) But on my new room I only vegged some small clones for 5-6 weeks (wanted more like 4 but life got kinda crazy for a minute) so they were pretty...
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    How do I get my ScrOG to be less bushy?

    how far into 12/12 would you cut back? I have another room that got out of hand as well (ill timed wedding out of town), and they are 6 days into 12/12 and getting WAY too bushy.. Is it too late? Hmm they are sleeping now or else I'd post a pic
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    How do I get my ScrOG to be less bushy?

    Yes it is BF G13/Haze... I'm impressed by it too! My vortex smells much sweeter though.. (half harvested now).. On my new scrog I'll def start shorter and trim better.. I was afraid to trim anything that had already reached the top, seemed to be a waste of growth time, but now I think I see...
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    How do I get my ScrOG to be less bushy?

    Yeah My screen is pretty high... Both of my grows I let my plants veg too long before switching to the screen... But DoopSthers looks pretty high too