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  1. Amish Warrior

    maggots on jars...

    Eh, If you want to eat shrooms/don't mind giving to others shrooms that had maggots crawling around them, then go for it. I personally would be a little disgusted by it, but if I'm dying to trip... I might consider it. I'd like to know if it'd be safe also.
  2. Amish Warrior

    Finding Acid.

    Alright man. I've asked about quite a bit. Never any success.
  3. Amish Warrior

    Finding Acid.

    Acid is a cult drug man. I don't know anyone besides that one guy. Well, another guy, but he never came through.
  4. Amish Warrior

    Finding Acid.

    I did 2 grams of Shrooms, and only half a hit of acid. If you want to read how acid went for me click this link: But anyways, on half a hit of acid, I knew I was feeling it, but I wasn't seeing crazy stuff...
  5. Amish Warrior

    Finding Acid.

    I haven't a clue where to begin. I did acid once. I completely fell in love with it. Did shrooms, didn't quite have the same magic. DMT was alright also. But LSD... That was just something special. I want to do it again, unfortunately, one of the people I did it with, who had the hookup is on...
  6. Amish Warrior

    Bitter Tasting Blotter Tabs...

    So.. Look for blue glowing blotter, and its pretty much a sure thing?
  7. Amish Warrior

    Bitter Tasting Blotter Tabs...

    I just looked this up, thank you very much for telling me this. And is there anything it could be if its not LSD but does glow? Any sort of DOx?
  8. Amish Warrior

    My First LSD Experience

    Thanks. I'll probably be trying shrooms this weekend, I'll post about it on this thread and compare I suppose.
  9. Amish Warrior

    My First LSD Experience

    Yeah, makes sense I suppose. Thanks.
  10. Amish Warrior

    My First LSD Experience

    Well I'm not thinking I got any of that stuff. But having people who did one hit and being told by some of their older brothers that they should have tripped a lot more is making us all think is wasn't as potent as it should have been.
  11. Amish Warrior

    My First LSD Experience

    This post is more geared to understanding a few things, and share my first time on LSD. So last Friday me and 3 buddies were chilling. We all wanted to shroom, they have in the past, I have never tried shrooms. Well after making a few calls no one we know can get us shrooms and bud was even...
  12. Amish Warrior

    Cultivation of 50lbs or less explained?

    I can imagine that 50 lbs. is just the maximum sentence you can receive, So if you had one plant the judge might be a little more lenient with you. Depends if the judge is a dick and wants you out for 2 years or if he will only nab you for a little. Its all about appearance so you could try two...
  13. Amish Warrior

    Salvia Talk Come!

    Hmm, I suppose I will have to ask around since it is illegal here.
  14. Amish Warrior

    Salvia Talk Come!

    Haha.. Well Salvia happens to be Illegal in Missouri but I am very curious to try it.
  15. Amish Warrior

    Salvia Talk Come!

    Out of curiosity where can Salvia be obtained? Or better yet how did you guys come across some? I've heard so much about it but never locally have I heard of a single person using Salvia.
  16. Amish Warrior

    Regular Soil

    Thanks for the answers. I'll just try with some native soil and some fertilizers.
  17. Amish Warrior

    Regular Soil

    I suppose I should have been more specific with my question. The area I intend to plant in is a clearing in woods close to a creek with small shrubs and medium height grasses growing, do you think it is fine to use the native soil or would it not work at all and I'd need some commercial stuff?
  18. Amish Warrior

    Regular Soil

    Would regular soil or a 50/50 mix of some commercial stuff sustain a plant? I can imagine the plant would thrive but not near as much, but would it really hurt quality that significantly? Thanks.
  19. Amish Warrior

    Questions involving outdoor growing

    What could be an estimate on the approximate cost on soil and nutrients? And since I do not exactly own any of this land in the clearing, could it be possible to have the top of the plant covered with native soil so it does not look like it was specifically planted? I intend to spread them about...
  20. Amish Warrior

    Questions involving outdoor growing

    I live on the North-Western side of Missouri, close to Kansas City, and our weather is very crazy. Right now were at 90's degrees and will drop down to 60's during the daytime with 40's at night. I can't imagine plants handling 40 degrees during the night. So my question is when should I begin...