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  1. davemeradith

    sorry delete

    bump delete my shit cuz i find it impossible to get done urself plus im only 15 yrs. old admins yall suck dick so cood u delete my acct? thnx bitches
  2. davemeradith

    My first grow a little paranoid

    well 1 of em jus started havn sum purple n leaves n tips i thnk that was cuz i left window open for a while n it was freezn so it was a temp prob... n like i stated b4 there were a few yellow leaves but they were natural i trimmed n there so many new green leaves sproutn from it so i no its...
  3. davemeradith

    My first grow a little paranoid

    they aint bag femd ak48 nirvana seeds so good shit wood transplantn to small then back big fuck em even worse?
  4. davemeradith

    My first grow a little paranoid

    my 1st grow 2 i germed my plants n immediately dropped em nto a gallon pot yes i no prolly not the best thng to do but i was told it wood b ok now im havn 2nd thots... 3 weeks nto veg n still only 2-3" tall will they still grow after they establish roots? or shood i toss em n restart? they still...
  5. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    wut does it mean if the leaves on my plant start to rise towards light? it looks like all the tips r pointn directly at my light... does that mean watern time? cuz snow its only been 1 day n my soil is already dry n these big ol pots not jus the topsoil either around 3" b4 i feel nethng close to...
  6. davemeradith

    first grow in progress tell me wat u think

    i will fa sho bro thnx for reassurance lol this sux
  7. davemeradith

    How long till it will start growing more leaves?

    yezzir i only water wen pretty dry n it happens quick cuz lights so big n so much soil but i have a 200w cfl 6500k
  8. davemeradith

    first grow in progress tell me wat u think

    nirvana ak48 feminized... so i no they r gon b short n fat but still...
  9. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    if they swimmn n water n drownn woodnt that mean im overwatern snow? lol n the problem was i wasnt watern enuff it was bone dry n id water once a day then u told me AGES AGO how to water "properly" n theyve started sprouting up n out since then... so srry if u thnk ur reiterating but ur...
  10. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    by my watering habits rnt helpn do u mean i shood water more?
  11. davemeradith

    first grow in progress tell me wat u think

    my cfl is n inch away n my ph is always bout 6.5-6.7
  12. davemeradith

    first grow in progress tell me wat u think

    these have had 2 weeks n they r still pretty small has ne1 seen healthy plants fromk such a slow start? its my 1st grow n im kinda worried
  13. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    so its been 2 weeks n i jus wanna no if i can get sum healthy plants from these er wut they jus real small for how long theyve had thnx
  14. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    this is at 2 weeks... ne1 seen healthy plants from some this small after so long?
  15. davemeradith

    How long till it will start growing more leaves?

    has ne1 seen healthy plants wen they r this small after 2 weeks? i hope they r still ok
  16. davemeradith

    How long till it will start growing more leaves?

    well thnx for the advice guys cuz im thnkn they dead n evry1 jus ses let em b theyll grow so im gettn frustrated this bein my 1st grow n all but tomorrow will b 2 weeks so ill post sum new pics
  17. davemeradith

    How long till it will start growing more leaves?

    my ak48s r a sativa/indica mix tho so idk it sposed to be a short stocky plant real dense n my leaves r real small prolly like 1" long
  18. davemeradith

    first grow in progress tell me wat u think

    coo i was jw cuz i got 2 ak48s under same bulb (200w cfl blue spec. cuz im n veg) but i only got 1 bulb for both plants so i was jus thnkn both mine might get to like 1/2 er 3/4 ur size then
  19. davemeradith

    vegetation 24/24 light!

    whoa there cowboy express ur thoughts in a peacful meaningful way not like a faggot comn nto our site n makn his 1st post thnkn hes a hardass both time cycles have been proven succesful time n time agen so u will both go back n forth n agree to disagree
  20. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    well i only have 1 bulb its a 200w cfl n i have both the blue n red spec so wood i wanna change cycle to 12/12 wait a week er so then switch from blue to red spec to get some blue in durn flowern? or shood i jus time cycle n spec at same time?