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  1. whitewidower420

    i think i got spider mite!! help

    hot shot strips for 3 days in your room will solve your problems
  2. whitewidower420

    Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

    oh man they're a terror. What stage are you in flower? If you're 5 and later, then your best bet is to use neem oil. But that didn't help out so much for only stunted their growth. If this harvest is really important, your best bet is to try different variations of natural sprays and...
  3. whitewidower420

    My clones are looking miserable...any advice?
  4. whitewidower420

    My clones are looking miserable...any advice?

    For the first few days, they will look like hell. They'll eventually perk up. I've had clones take up to 3 or 4 weeks to root and be ready to transplant. You should put them in light soon.
  5. whitewidower420

    nedd some help?

    Just straighten the light and it'll go back towards the light. I normally only do a quarter of what the nute label says for the until it gets a few nodes. Check the pH for fun too. Did you treat the rockwool before using it?
  6. whitewidower420

    Plant Height Question

    So I'm a novice at growing. Currently in my 3rd and 4th harvest. With my first 2 harvests, my plants were taller than they should have been when I put them in flowering...about 70cm. They took forever to flower (15 weeks). Much longer than the seedbank's site said (7-9 weeks). Now I've...
  7. whitewidower420

    New Strain stretching

    u guys got anything for me? Or should I just clone this strain and flower from clone?
  8. whitewidower420

    New Strain stretching

    Here's a quick video I made. I apologize for the sound. I forgot to take it out. What were your experiences with AI Raw?
  9. whitewidower420

    New Strain stretching

    Hey guys, So I've successfully grew two harvests of white widow and wanted to try my hand at two other strains: Auroa Indica and Papaya from Nirvana seeds. They're currently in their 5th week since sprouting. They were intitially under two CFLs until they sprouted and then transferred to...
  10. whitewidower420

    going on 5days little brown?

    I go all the way down to 5.5 if I can. Normally during feeding the nutes gradually go back up. I adjust daily. So I adjust low and let it slowly go back up that way they plants get all of the nute spectrum.
  11. whitewidower420

    PLEASE PLEASE HELP Yellowing During Flowering

    Look up nute burn and check the symptom list. I'd give you more to go on but I'm not a guru. Also make sure you PH is adjusted right. You just might need to flush and start afresh with your nutes.
  12. whitewidower420

    I'm Grilling A Steak

    How does this thread have 9 replies but 0 views?
  13. whitewidower420

    going on 5days little brown?

    Man you're lucky, mine comes out at 7.5-8.5. We go through lots of PH down.
  14. whitewidower420


    Looks good, keep up the good work
  15. whitewidower420

    Our First Harvest! (video)

    Small update. After everything dried, we went ahead and weighed it.....375grams!!!!!!!! From a 400w HPS + 124 CFL. Imagine if I would have waited as recommended above...I would have gotten close to 1gram per wat.
  16. whitewidower420

    going on 5days little brown?

    Na, the taking it out of the light wouldn't have done that. It has something to do with your water or medium. A light issue would make it stretch not change the color of the leaves. What medium are you using? Soil or hydro? Also, It's never too early to start PH'in the water. I panicked a...
  17. whitewidower420

    going on 5days little brown?

    Here's a nice lil' PH chart for you to use
  18. whitewidower420

    going on 5days little brown?

    I take it the plants are about a few weeks old? If so, it's a good idea to start Ph'ing the water to about 5.5-6 (depending on grow medium). And I'd start with quarter strength of recommended dose to half strength for the next week. If the brown doesn't clear up in the next generation of...
  19. whitewidower420

    going on 5days little brown?

    Are you Ph balancing your water? What nutes are you using?
  20. whitewidower420

    Our First Harvest! (video)

    From my video you can see the flowering room preharvest. Obviously it's not 'optimal'. But do you think that the strain would go 7 weeks beyond what the breeder suggests? I'm a total noob and was trying to judge when to pull the ladies out. Some buds looked perfect and ready. Some looked...