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  1. 1

    burning leaves

    im using a AG too grow some lil plants, thing is tho after 1.5 weeks old they are starting to get rust spots, a bit of yellowing and edges curling up.ive hurd alot of things, but i want to no is it a nute deficency or something else? the ph is 6.8 and using organic tablets that came with the...
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    Aerogarden v3.0

    tek, once agen your right, i use the flowering setting and set it so i get 18/6 for the lights. (by pressing and holding the lights button you can maualy set the timer) i tried from seed and they grew also tried from sprouting them 1st and they took off really well
  3. 1

    Have you tried aerogarden?

    tek got going man! im on your side, if its done right from the start it works fine.only diffrence i do is sprout my seedlings on paper towels first then put in foam.they come up well and grow like fuck.i also use a small fan blowing across the plants and i leave the small flap on the front open...
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    i brought a aerogarden too there a great little device.ive been using the pills that come with it for about 12 weeks now and they seem to be working fine.i have my setting on flowers so i get 18/6 for light.when the plants get to maximum light height, i take em out and drop foam and all into...
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    Plant problems

    did you put fertilizer on them?
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    i need help

    any seeds will sprout ive only ever sprouted in soil, 9 out of 10 each time come up. it is posible
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    Found plant

    sounds like you have been ripped off before?? understandable that you shouldnt rip someones crop, but if you plant it in a fucked up spot, id exspect it to go missing
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    Please Help Me. Im Desperate. My 1st Grow

    ive grown up trees and it works fine. mainly to stop pig dogs sniffin it out and harder to find if your out to pillage someones crop.the cops are sometimes too stupid to look up and are more conserned about whats on the ground. with grown up in trees ive used water crystals, about a quarter of...
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    Newbie Needs Help!

    fuk way too much water
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    Someone May Have Discovered My Buds

    take clones and chop rest use make hash oil, better to get somthing instead of nothing
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    My First Grow : Any comments on the Box?

    cool little set up, are thoes holes in side of esky for vents or was it already will need some kind of vents so dont get too hot. and thoes little peat pots you use dry out really quick so keep them moist.i use them myself, they work well good for transplanting as no root damage occurs.
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    refridgerator grow box!! help please!!!!pic

    if you use it when the fridge is running everything inside will die like raeman1990 said, you need to smash everything on the inside out so its a steel case, vent it in the bottom and the top with fans and exsausts, and still its very hard to get a good grow.ive done it once before and it was...
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    What Is Flushing

    yeah you can still use molasses it sweetens
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    HELP! FIRST TIME GROWER!....and not wanting to f**k up lol

    wow! thoes little white hairs are the start of sum give it some support as it looks top heavy, it might topple over if it gets any taller. you sure its only 4 weeks??!!
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    Please HELP ME

    flush em, too much nutes and ferts. flush then dont water for 4-5 days then slowly introduce fert or nutes again.slowly...........
  16. 1

    best way to germinate my seeds?

    cotton wool on a plate, wet it drop on seeds then cover with another plate upside down.put in a dark place check after a day dont let cotton wool dry out, the should germinate within 72 hours. you can jump start the process by putting seeds in a jar of water for 24 hours and soaking them.good...
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    sounds like all the good stuff was in the first harvest, after that the plant couldnt put out. i wouldnt mix molasses with nutes the molasses slows down penitration to the soil if mixed with nutes.i think you got it right, switch between them maybe 7 days apart then flush
  18. 1

    1m2 600w too hot????

    did the box come with the light? if your fan and exsaust running a good 'blow and suction' it should keep the light at a steady temp. ive used a 400w in a size that big before and no problems occured.i think it will be ok, exsperiment a can always have the door ajar a little when the...
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    need help with flushing

    if your so close to harvest why would you want to cut the tops off?? if you flush it gunna affect the hol plant not just the bits you want to grow! your better off getting some extra lights to lower to the bottom of the plant, or top out the stems with no heads to help filter some light down...
  20. 1


    dont mix it just sprinkle it lightly over top of soil, not too heavy.natural wood is best to use aswell, as treated timber contains arsnic that will kill plants. you can turn it in but only once dont mix it hard out. the natural fibres will sink in.after sprinkling water then leave. dont mix it...