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    William (Willie) Wonder

    Willyjack seeds has a strain that is called willyjack it is willams wonder x jack herer it would be a nice cross you may find a nice willy pheno in the pack:)
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    Cloning Trouble

    Cloning is so simple they need to be right in the water though over watering a cutting lol! There is no such thing as overwatering just not enough oxygen in the water if you could overwater hydro would be a flop don't ya think! I built a simple areo cloner and have not had one clone die since I...
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    do caregivers and dispensary suppliers really cure for 2 weeks to a month?

    I find if it is crunchy on th outside but wet on the inside after it sits in the jar overnight it will equalize the outside of the bud will be wet again! Open it up or dump it out depending on the moisture and repeat if ya need to!
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    Twisted/Corkscrew leaves.

    Well it looks healthy my guess is a genetic trait some plants grow all twisted no matter what ya do!
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    What type of light you use has ABSOLUTELY ZERO effect on your weed's potency....

    I did not resort to calling you names I am not a child so I will take the high road and debate this like an adult! I just put the facts out there whether you like it or not! My mountain example was to show you the difference in color spectrum fed to a plant and what it does to yield and...
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    What type of light you use has ABSOLUTELY ZERO effect on your weed's potency....

    Well this thread is total bs Light color can effect potency I can't believe you are telling people it doesn't There have be studies done on the side of a mountain where the plants were at different elevations and this proves the color idea! Plants at lower hights on the mountain grow bigger but...
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    T H C is it hype or not?!!?

    Nope if it had 50% thc it would be crazy potent it is the most active cannabinoid there are others like cbd but they are not as strong and are what makes the stone sleepy or dreamy not potent! Strains with high cbd content are like 1% cbd this is why I have to disagree!
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    Good yielding strain

    Heavy Duty Fruity is a huge yielding potent strain with a nice taste!
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    Adding Co2 - Please Help !

    Wow I can't believe the miss information you got here I just had to jump in and let you know the truth! First of all it is well documented co2 can boost growth rates by as much a 5x as with out! Yield flowering time will all show benefits from co2 enrichment! Now to help ya use it you are right...
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    Most Overrated Strain?

    Well I have to agree about blueberry The dutch passion version is midgrade at best and dj's has lots of variation but the strongest plant I have smoked to date was a crinkly blueberry from dj short! It was my first ever grow and did not know nothing and still that little bastard was strong!! I...
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    39 Days Old and still Small--

    Well considering I have 3 clones of blueberry at around the same age and they are 3 feet tall and half done budding I can't even believe that plant is alive, what a waste of time and energy!!!
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    Short, Fast Flowering Strains

    Search for a strain call top 44 that would be 6 weeks flower and I think hash plant from sensi seeds I have a blueberry pheno that finishes in 45 days! If you are looking for a good producer look up heavy duty fruity!
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    Auto AK47 First grow and flowering

    They need more light 40 to 50 watts per square foot is what I aim for they will grow with less but yield will suffer if you are not close to this range witch I am sure you are not! As for feeding and health you are doing a good job!
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    Positronics Purpe Haze

    Bump any body try these beans before?
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    Mello Gold Seed Bank

    Sorry to burst your bubble but they are a scam site you may get seeds but they won't grow worth a shit and they are not what ya paid for don't mean to be so negative but that is how it is I purchased 20 seeds from these rippoff artists! Well from there sister site cannabis seeds but if you don't...
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    Positronics Purpe Haze

    Has anyone tried this strain got any pix I am interested in this and or Killing fields there is alot of info on killing fields but can't seem to dig up much on Positronics witch makes me wonder about it!
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    Baddest Buds Around?

    Pretty funny reading Dj short sells a bd knock off when the original bd was made using his gear lol!
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    Help with PH perfect in soil

    I would have to dissagree with the above post the nutes I don't care what kind need to be in the proper range to be water soluble there are no mithical compounds!!!!! I use gh flora series with good water and am lucky it sets the ph to 6.0 perfect for me stays there with no adjustment! But that...
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    Perfect ph level

    Look at a chart of available nutes and you will see most elements are available around 6.0 you stray from that and you lose nutes simple as that! They are still in the soil they just change to non water soluble compounds at different ranges and if you look at a ph chart for nutes most are water...
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    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    Ok here is my shot at this topic I don't post allot but have been at this racket long enough to learn a couple of things along the way. I thought reading this thread would sway me one way or the other but it has not! I have however came to a conclusion on what I think is best and I have to say...