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  1. leavemeicarus

    First Grow - Female plant pictures!

    So I have had these random bag seeds for a while and was feeling the need to plant them one day. I downloaded the Marijuana Horticulture Bible [fucking amazing book, I suggest everyone gets that] and germinated, planted and kept an eye on my plants. I had planted roughly ten bag seeds. 8 of...
  2. leavemeicarus

    FINALLY I have a baby!!!! :) look at pics!

    If you keep it at 24/0, you will need a fan; otherwise, the stalk will grow very fast and it'll fall over. I've had this problem before... get a fan to gently blow on your plant. -Sean
  3. leavemeicarus

    first grow ever.

    As the poster mentioned: he diluted his urine. Urine is high in nitrates--incidentally, it is the first number also when talking about fertilizer contents. If you have a dog and it pisses in the same area for a while, you will notice initially the urine kills the grass (just as a fertilizer...
  4. leavemeicarus

    My boyfriend smokes

    I hate when people give medical advice about marijuana. Perhaps not hate, but it's quite annoying. There is no clinical proof that marijuana has a lasting effect on short term or long term memory. True. However, there are carcinogens related to THC and CBD. Not to mention that smoking weed...
  5. leavemeicarus

    my first grow with bagseed

    Yellow spots can also mean there is too much nitrogen coming to the roots. (Just like when a dog pisses on a lawn; urine has a high concentration of nitrates.) Back off your nutrients a little (or dilute it by adding more water.) Really though, at this point, I wouldn't be too concerned. Just...