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  1. Hellrick

    CFL, for flower?

    Yea Buddy but hes talking 700 w equivalent not cfl wattage
  2. Hellrick

    CFL, for flower?

    I like to mix my spectrum.. During veg i use more 6500k's.. During flower I use more 2700k's.. but i always use both..
  3. Hellrick

    first cfl growing 300w (+pics)

    Is that foil i see in the back ? Get rid of it it only reflects heat.. Line your walls with mylar to get the most out of your lighting. It will help alot.
  4. Hellrick

    Fuck!!!! Someone please please please please help

    Whats the temps in there ?? Are you sure your not blowing hot air at em ?? Does look like nute burn though. Just water for a while.. Thell be just fine.
  5. Hellrick

    Plz Check

    Yea the flush washed all the nutes out the soil... A lil N should help the yellowing.. Id add some P also since there flowering.. Some yellowing at that stage of flowering is pretty normal though ..
  6. Hellrick

    please help !!

    Dude theres not much wrong with them plants. a lil nute burn is all .. Id say repot them in bigger pots . With some good soil and dont add any nutes for a while .. and thell be just fine.
  7. Hellrick

    Beginner Needs Serious Help!

    And on your next grow do not line your walls with foil.. Foils only reflects heat not light.
  8. Hellrick

    please help !!

    Are those clear cups your using ?? Put some black tape around them so no light can get to the roots.. Light on the roots = Bad
  9. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    Sorry man I been a way for a bit ... That Dr 80 is recommended for a 250 watt light... But hey go big or go home is what i say.. With those 2 fans you got blowing air around Can you take one fan and have it blow hot air out of the tent like an exhaust fan ?? Then open one or two of the free...
  10. Hellrick

    Yellow leaf tips first time flowering

    Help us help you ... Please provide more information.
  11. Hellrick

    Miracle Grow Premium Moisture Control soil?? (Autoflower)

    Im gona have to try that next round . +rep for the info.
  12. Hellrick

    Miracle Grow Premium Moisture Control soil?? (Autoflower)

    Yea I just read it again . lol im a lil medicated atm. musta misread it .. It does make perfect sence !!!
  13. Hellrick

    Miracle Grow Premium Moisture Control soil?? (Autoflower)

    Can you please tell me how sifting threw the dirt with a window screen will remove nutes ????
  14. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    Do you have any passive intakes.. Can you turn that fan to blow the hot air out the vent ???
  15. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    so did you get the temps to drop any ???
  16. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    oh hell yea.. can ya move the ballast out the tent ??/
  17. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    Id just leave the light where its at for now and watch for stretching.. If it stretches to much move the light closer and add another fan..
  18. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    do you have a vent at the top of the tent?? Try pointing the fan up at the light
  19. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    80f is getting a lil on the warm side.. Moving the light closer will make it warmer.. Do you have a fan running ?? Can you add one ??
  20. Hellrick

    Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts

    Alil more info would help .. Whats the temps like ?? what is the ph of the water your using to water ?? and RH ??