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  1. O

    Need help please, pics inc

    ty guys, and i never knew to foliar feed at night ( lights off), very interesting, how come??
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    Need help please, pics inc

    ty baka and toasted, , i guess i was to scared to over nute and didnt go enough nutes. question, epsom salt, can get at a hardware store? and i have a product called "espoma organic" garden lime i found in the garage, it says it has a lot of cal and mag in it, it is little grey pellets, would...
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    Need help please, pics inc

    as i said above i have spent many hours researching wut might be the prob, read many articals and stickies here befor i posted, and i am thinking it might be a phos problem, mabey a cal/mag problem, just checked my PH and it is 6.5, it can get cold sometime in the room and the soil feels cold, i...
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    Need help please, pics inc

    i just dont know enough to say wuts wrong, anyone have any ideas?
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    Need help please, pics inc

    i want to add, some leaves look fine, others look horrible
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    Need help please, pics inc

    I am 5-6 weeks into flowring and i thnk i am screwed, this problem started 3-4 weeks into flowering, i only now realized how bad it has become, i am not sure what the problem is or wut to do, its been about 2 weeks since i first noticed it i thnk i waited to long, the buds seem nice, but i feel...
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    Amazing bud, , my first ever grow, lost its smell?

    hello, i noticed as the buds are up drying, they do not smell amazing like they did while growing, I mean it smells like schwag kinda, kinda scared cause it was smelling unreal while growing. the pics are the bud the night of harvest. Will the dank smell come back after curing?
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    First ever grow, need advise on when to chop, PICS, also miracle grow question!!!!

    thank u guys i am pumped. i have another plant that for some reason is a week behind this one, weird. yea based on the leaves, my guess would be 60/40- sat/indica. most of the leaves are thin and the plant is kinda branchy, but some of the leaves are kinda fat and i can kinda see a lil bit of...
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    Ready to Harvest.... Rain, Rain, Rain!!!

    i am worried about constant rain too. gonna rain next 7 days and been raining / humid for last 5 it sucks!! so far everythng ok, wait till after rain? worried about budworms too everythng wet
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    First ever grow, need advise on when to chop, PICS, also miracle grow question!!!!

    thank you for the reply's guys. i did grow outdoors and am very exited being my first grow and they look better then i thought they would ever be. advise here was huge. also, quick question, anyone know wut type of bud they might be, i took it from some seeds of wut seemed like nice smoke. i had...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Just saw this post. Seems ur the expert ffd i love ur posts i have learned a lot from you not just about weed but gardening in general. wut ya thnk????? first time i ever grew. each pic is same plant, last pic was wrong setting on camera.
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    First ever grow, need advise on when to chop, PICS, also miracle grow question!!!!

    i know u guys answer tons of posts on this stuff, first up are my buds ready, i have no microscope to check. here is a bud i trimmed on the plant for a pic. the picture with low ight was a mistake with the camera. also, i used miracle grow 24/8/16 for veg and miracle grow bloom booster...
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    flushing too late? reply ASAP

    so miracle grow isn't bad to use then? i feel a lil better now. i never over do it with mg, use a lil bit, once every ten days.. especially after hearing nute burn stories
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    flushing too late? reply ASAP

    if i used regular miracle grow during veg (24/8/16) and then miracle grow bloom booster in flowering ( 15-30-15) do i need to flush? i last fed them 5 days ago and it has rained since. p.s. i know miracle grow stuff aint the best but it is my first grow.
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    Random string of spider web?? also- black pellets?

    @ dante thank you dante, i have wondered wut the black pellets could be, only like 1 pellet here and there mabey 2-3 per plant not much. the worms DEF looked like miniture catapillars, grey in color. pulled 8 other buds apart and havent found any. just that one bud looked wrong and had em.
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    Random string of spider web?? also- black pellets?

    ok, i spent the last 2 hours looking and i pulled some bud off the plants, no spiders at all but, i did find somethng that scared me. I noticed one bud, had unusually orange hairs, looked wrong, clipped it off and there were wut u guys call "bud worms" inside, 3 of em. i clipped 3 nearby...
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    Random string of spider web?? also- black pellets?

    OK, some of u guys are great i read a lot of posts i have 2 questions. Every day or 2, at the top of my 2 plants, i find a stray spider web string, stringing to a few colas's on each plant i check and check and even pulls some buds almost apart and have found no spider, i remove the strands of...
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    Questions for the pro's

    i was hoping earlier then that but from wut i have learned here it seems right, mid oct. It was drizzling out , water on the buds and camera angle made it look white i check the plants several times a day for mold/bugs etc. any idea wut type they might be?
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    Questions for the pro's

    it was a very rainy day btw