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  1. S

    Outdoor LSD grow

    I forgot you want a realistic weight guess. Well by the looks of them if you let them put on some more weight you might get two ounces of bud . I'm sorry but you need to do some reading during the winter about outdoor growing and before you invest your money into quality seeds prepare better and...
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    Outdoor LSD grow

    I just have to ask where in the country do you live??? I ask this because I've grown LSD and many other of Barneys Farm strains and all my outdoor plants have always been full sized compared to the pictures of yours. By that I mean at least six to eight feet tall and loaded with huge colas. I...
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    Has anyone used or still uses a advanced nutrients product called Final Phase ??? I have some and was wondering if it is good to use on a soil grow?? Any ideas pro or con I would like to hear. Symetre :leaf:bongsmiliebongsmilie
  4. S

    Harvest in 2 weeks or more?

    Give them another month or so. This is the hardest part of your grow, not giving in to impatience. Just sit back and take care of them as you usually do all will come in good time. Symetre :peace: :weed::weed:
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    Drying Baskets Pro or Con????

    :leaf::weed: Hello I was just wondering before I drop any bucks on something new to me do these compartment style looking hanging baskets actually work and are they better than the old fashioned way of drying my buds by just hanging them from a cord or string??? I would sure like to have some...
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    57 days of flower, bagseed, how long till harvest? pics included!

    Give them another month or so. Symetre :weed::weed:
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    fucking tropical storm isaac!!

    Good luck!!! You deal with hurricanes I get to deal with extreme heat and humidity. I'll take my So. Cali. weather. Symetre :weed::weed:
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    Is it time to harvest??

    Give it another month. Don't hurry let those buds fill out the one in the picture is just a baby to me. Symetre :weed::weed:
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    Saddest moment of my life ..

    Mine split where the main stalk which in more than six inches thick and the two main branches split and I tied a rope to pull the branches together and all is fine for the past two weeks so far. All the growth above the split is just fine huge buds everywhere :weed::weed: I just hope for no...
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    Buy from here or here??

    Let's hear it for Herbies!!!
  11. S

    Aurora Indica Harvest - 155 days from seed. ~40 oz

    :weed::weed: That is some great looking bud. I hope you enjoy it through the long cold Romanian winter ahead very soon. Symetre :-P:leaf::leaf:
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    2 UPS Employees Arrested With Nearly 40 Pounds Of Marijuana Street Value Of Haul Esti

    40lbs. worth 60,000.00 Sounds like some really shitty east coast weed. I wonder what part of Texas it was shipped from?? I'm sure it was destined for the New York ghettos. symetre
  13. S

    Barneys Acapulco Gold, Liberty Haze, Dinafem Sweet Deep Grpefruit outdoors

    Sorry but they will never finish in September. Your best outlook is the end of October. :weed::weed: Symetre
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    Desert Watering

    These plants grow in the deserts and the foothills of Northern India and Pakistan, where the temps either meet or exceed this area. I have never had any problems with any indica that I have grown in this area before, all was fine untill a few weeks ago???? I blame it on the weather. Symetre
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    Desert Watering

    Yea I quit misting and I am just deep watering with this weather. I have two plants starting to flower and the other four are a few weeks slower the way I planned it. I hate to try and harvest all at one time because I'm the only one sitting there manicuring and making the buds pretty.!!!! The...
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    Desert Watering

    You think that need a crane I have your beat by a few feet. One question Have you lost any water leaves due to the extreme hot weather?? Some of mine have turned yellow and I have taken them off the plants as they died. Symetre :leaf::leaf::-P
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    Desert Watering

    They are in in pots but way to large and heavy to move. Quite a few fan leaves are turning yellow and as they die I have been removing them from the plants. I water in the evenings and have them on a complete Fox Farm Nutrient regimen since the grow began. All was fine until this high humidity...
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    Desert Watering

    :leaf::leaf: I have a question that needs a quick answer!!!!! I live in the Palm Springs area which is having a extreme heat wave, several of my plants are starting to flower and I want to know if I mist them down in the evenings would it hurt the buds at all??? The water evaporates off the...
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    Birds fuc#ing sparows birds

    I just planted four of my expensive baby plants this morning after raising them from seed for the past month. I just happened to look out my window and see a sparrow flying away from my last plant. I thought nothing of it until I went out to check on my babies and found out that two of the...