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  1. TsmokeTrain

    Compare these 2 buds. How do get this result

    I came across this patent about extracting and decarboxylating, might be usefull. [0039] Preferably, decarboxylation is carried out in a multi-step heating process in which the plant material is: i) heated to a first temperature for a first...
  2. TsmokeTrain

    Which process has the highest yield or return for creating concentrate?

    This google patent might help people with questions, i have never made an extract but i want to do it soon. It also has the decarboxylation times.
  3. TsmokeTrain

    Got a male... can I use it for anything?

    Ever since i found this out i never throw out any leafs let alone an entire plant be it male female or a hermy. I cut it up, boil it in water for about 5-10 minutes maybe twice ( to get rid of the utterly disgusting spinach smell/taste), then heat it up in creamy/fat milk for about 2 maybe 3...
  4. TsmokeTrain

    Ready To Harvest, What Ya think?

    those hairclusters will grow into buds in a couple of weeks, its your choice to harvest this smaller amount of bud/THC, i vote another 2-3 weeks like Buster
  5. TsmokeTrain

    Commercial freeze drying operation

    It leaves more flavor and cures it better, never heard of this technique but its really interresting for the future
  6. TsmokeTrain

    what strains are powdery mildew resistant?

    ive planted 5 seeds from 1 plant in 1 big bucket, all where white widdow crossed with Shaman High, i know for a fact that strain isnt everything, i have one white widdow which turned purple which has no mold at all while other non purple turning white widdows do have mold and budrot. One was...
  7. TsmokeTrain

    Hello Need some advice, NOOB! Strong strain and sweat strain...

    Shaman High has amazing sweet buds with an almost psychedelic high, it finishes after 8-9 weeks with a very decent amount. Shaman High is a crossing between Northern Lights and White Widdow, ive never grown Northern Lights but i do know white widdow has very thin but very tasty buds, shaman...
  8. TsmokeTrain

    something eating my girls

    you could also break some glass and put it around the side of your planter they will cut themselves open
  9. TsmokeTrain

    Leaves Are Dying And Yellowing. Hasn't Grown Since I Topped it.

    is it even getting enough light right now? looks like you might have put it into sunlight after a long time of going without and it just burned, i suggest putting it outside in the shade when full sunlight and after a week in full sunlight, but i dont know how much light its getting right now.. ?
  10. TsmokeTrain

    Is this hermie? 6 week into flower

    Plants seem to produce seeds without any male pollination required, you might have a couple male pollen but those seeds are just feminized seeds might even be better then the ones you bought at the store, atleast thats what i have a lot, also if your plant isnt completely hermaphrodite you can...
  11. TsmokeTrain

    Is this a herm? PLEASE look

    yeah i second the banana thing, if you have buds like this its not gonna turn full hermy maybe if you stress it out completely from now, but this is NOT a hermy.
  12. TsmokeTrain

    10 week strain at almost week 12 .....looks like 3 more weeks ?

    Not an insult or anything but... 12 weeks!? Most plants look like this at week 1 to 1 1/2, what lights are you using and what nutrients? These look like the 23 watt cfls im using or atleast something i wouldnt dare flower under, ive seen all my friends try it like that and never did they...
  13. TsmokeTrain

    First time grow, need help choosing which seeds to start

    yeah i hear ya about the clones, i dont know anyone but me or people that start to grow due to me, so i cant get any clones either. I dont know anything about chemicals used for hermies, i know for a fact that Cannabis tends to go hermy when stressing in order to survive, if a female turns...
  14. TsmokeTrain


    yeah some strains show pre-flower really early, i get some around 3-4 weeks too
  15. TsmokeTrain

    First time grow, need help choosing which seeds to start

    If you really want the plant you pay for and not end up with some funky phenotype try to avoid the Feminized seeds and try to use pure breeds, best would be to get a clone from someone whos growing that plant for atleast a couple years. i grew 5 seeds of white widow from Spliff Seeds and i know...
  16. TsmokeTrain

    First time grow, need help choosing which seeds to start

    Sounds like you know what you're doing, a couple things: dont try to overfeed your plants it happens faster then starving them, also if you arent the patient type you might want to use 8 week flowering strains only but that depends on you space mainly. Good luck you're going to have a BLAST...
  17. TsmokeTrain


    hows the grow going? was it a calcium deficiency?
  18. TsmokeTrain

    close to end, BUT WHAT IS THIS?

    What nutrients are you using? i can clearly see burnt tips and the yellowing is because it has too much nutrients not too little, i say give it straight water for a week if its not time-releasd nutrients. You didnt ask this but like brotherjericho said these plants arent even near done and that...
  19. TsmokeTrain

    Temperature rise with PC/cabinet grow

    The most important thing would be where you are gonna suck your air from, in the winter out here i stick a tube outside and i can keep my 400 watt lamp as close as 30Centimeters without temperature rising more then 24c-28c degrees celsius, but in the summer i stick the tube in our hallway which...
  20. TsmokeTrain

    CFL GROW Orange Spots?

    looks like nutrient burnt to me, my plants got the same thing on 1 or 2 leafs but they can handle a good feeding, you might want to lower on the nutes or check out if there arent time releasing nutrients in it if you are feeding it straight water. Also the leaves look a little hot to me, the...