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  1. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    I am 22, and living in mothers basement :D Why waste time trying to find some where else to grow when you have a wicked mom..
  2. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    Mother wont let me have a room :( So I make a box :)
  3. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    Well when you have limited space you can't exactly grow ounces and ounces at a time.. That was a NOOB comment come on...
  4. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    I still have some to learn, you can never learn to much. It's hard sometimes to get the desired views/replies from people on this website. With a simple phrase like that people will notice.. This just so happens to be the largest thread I have ever started..
  5. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    They are very handy little fans. Even come with a clamp so you can clamp them buggers anywhere! :D
  6. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    They actually smell quite amazing. Very fruity smell. Will see how she ends up after dry/cure.
  7. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    Well like I said, this was my third plant to come down, other 2 finished after 8 ish weeks. Have 3 other plants currently 4 weeks into flower. Little on the smaller side, but I have a new box in the making that should make things produce a bit more :D
  8. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    I must be a noob but I was watching trichomes closely. were majority amber, leaves crispy falling off, figured she should come down. did not want to wait to long now... So far she smells wicked, pungent stuff. so keep the hay smell for your own batch..
  9. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    No those are my other 2 strains curing. I think it was necessary.. Gets peoples attention. :)
  10. PegCityMJ

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    This is the last plant of 3 different plants from my first grow ever. This was sativa dominant and was cut on week 11 day 1. Wet weight = 120grams Did not get many pictures of previous plants but all harvested very well. 2nd grow doing very well also. pics up soon. Building new, bigger box for...
  11. PegCityMJ

    dont know what to do but i needa do it now!!!!

    I will direct some negative energy not just his way but all the people like him. People will not hand you pleasant marijuana plants on a platter. DO SOME READING. DO NOT EXPECT ALL THE ANSWERS TO BE GIVEN TO YOU. DO SOME RESEARCH. Use google, 95% of the questions you have other people have asked...
  12. PegCityMJ

    3 week old plant under 600 watt mh

    Using any nutrients? Had a few plants look like that on my first grow, I finally fed them nutrients and they must have doubled in size within a few days.
  13. PegCityMJ

    Sea of seeds

    Yeah their stealth shipping was funny. They labled my seeds so bad, there was about 4 extra bonus seeds tossed in with names beside them that were absolute gibberish..
  14. PegCityMJ

    FIRST GROW - White Widow - Purple Buddha - Vada -

    400w mh/hps bulbs.
  15. PegCityMJ

    Kandy Kush and Lemon Haze

    5 weeks 5 days slow progress. Is that normal for cfl? Well I did only have 13w bulbs on them until a few days ago i added the 23w bulbs. Took 1 of each plant and put them into the flower box. Think I am only going to run 2 plants in veg and 2 in flower from now on. Really wanting to do a nice...
  16. PegCityMJ

    is this a Female?

    You definitely could. Depends on how much you are looking to get from them. Veg them for as long as you want, once you switch the lights to 12/12 the plants will slowly begin to flower. You could put them 12/12 from the very start and get small plants and it would only take 2 months or so until...
  17. PegCityMJ

    Help Small White bugs!

    I enjoyed the simplicity of that spider mite fix. In case I ever get them, I will refer to this.
  18. PegCityMJ

    is this a Female?

    Hey just in case the information above is inaccurate... It's a male lol. It least you wont have seed weed Get some feminized seeds!
  19. PegCityMJ

    HELP FAST! I think my plant started to flower in 24/0 first grow

    There are definitely many retards pretty much everywhere lol. The george certvantes videos are pretty good, even though it seems old school, the basic information is presented very well, I definitely had a good start from watching him.