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    need help with seedlings

    Yea I thought it might be that, one of the seedlings looks like it has nute burn. I haven't given it any nutes so it must be the soil. Should I try and repot in better soil or should I just start over with new seeds?
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    need help with seedlings

    Hello, this is my third grow and although the first two went great I'm having some problems with my new seedlings. Im growing them in Miracle Grow organic potting mix(I know everyone says don't use Miracle Grow but its cheap and it worked fine with my first two grows so I stuck with it.) I have...
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    bigger buds

    I would go with Ive bought a few different things from them and have been pretty happy with the products.
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    nirvana seeds ????

    Yea I ordered from Nirvana and the first order went great, but the second time I ordered I got to step 7 out of 7 in the middle of may and about 6 weeks later I got the package without any seeds, and a letter from customs. I was pretty pissed but oh well shit happens.
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    Total Newbie, any advice on setup?

    Looking good, it wont let me enlarge the pictures but from what I can see it looks like your off to a really good start. What strain are you growing?
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    How much does a seed usually yield?

    Its pretty much impossible to guess how much a seed will yield without knowing any other info. It depends on the strain, lighting, nutes, and a bunch of other things. Just grow them and dont worry to much about yield on your first grow, after you get this grow down you can improve on any...
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    long and thick!

    If you get an oscilating fan blowing on them that should help the stems get stronger.
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    Growing Questions plz help out

    For your first question, Im pretty sure that its best if your temps are between 75 and 85 degrees. As far as the foliage feeding goes, I think you can do it for the first few weeks of flowering but should not do it as you get farther along. Hopefully someone else can give you a little more...
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    1 month into flowering, what is wrong?

    Ive been checking the ph everytime I water so I dont think its that, but Im pretty sure Someguy and JAy_normous are right. The only plant that was effected was the plant that was closest to the light. I raised the light about 10 inches so hopefully the heat was the problem and nothing else...
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    1 month into flowering, what is wrong?

    I've been giving it tiger bloom at about half the reccomended dose every other watering and some molasses every few waterings. I was just confused because it was only the top of one plant and all the rest of the plants are fine. Should I be giving it more of the tiger bloom or less?
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    1 month into flowering, what is wrong?

    I know this should probably be in the plant problem section but there are way more people viewing this forum and I need help asap. My plants were looking great and everything was fine and then I left for the weekend and when I came home one of my plants looked terrible. I was thinking it might...
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    Very short plants, where did I go wrong?

    Those pics are from about 10 days into flowering and about 5 weeks total. "Yes but look at the difference in your plants and the posters. Yours have considerably more stretch then the posters. No that's not meant to be an insult... just the truth... look at the difference. The poster has a...
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    Very short plants, where did I go wrong?

    Im not sure if your pot size is really the problem. I am using 3 gallon pots on my first grow and my plants are close to 4 feet tall. It might be the strain is just short but I dont know. Heres some pics of my plants and they are in 3 gallon pots.
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    My plant (picture) HELP!

    I think 4 is pretty low, Im pretty sure you want it around 6.5 for soil grows. You might want to try and raise the ph a bit.
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    2 Strain suggestions

    A lot of people here order their seeds from Dr. Chronic and have a lot of good stuff to say about it, Ive ordered from Nirvana and have had a really good expirience with them, but a lot of people on here have complained about Nirvana and not getting their seeds fast enough and shit like that, so...
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    How much light ?

    Id reccomend going 18 hours on and 6 hours off for the veg stage, that should work better than 14 hours on. Some people do differently like 24 hours on and no time off for the first few weeks but Id go with 18/6. Hopefully this helps.
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    Hooka water

    I haven t heard of anyone drinking it, but you could try drinking it and let me know what happens, its gonna taste pretty terrible
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    Hooka water

    yea man drink it, sounds like a pretty good idea
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    2 Strain suggestions

    For your first strain Id suggest big bud, Im growing it right now and its really easy and suppose to have a massive yield, but not extremely potent. For the second one Im not sure maybe white widdow, or a haze strain but Im not too sure. Hope this helps and good luck
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    1 week into flowering

    Are those pictures working for anybody because when I click on them nothing happens?