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    flying - good way to carry small amounts?

    Best way to sneak it on a plane is to leave it at home
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    ok so my plants got a lil burnt from my light(like 3-4 leaves per plant) now theyre all fucked up and haggard lookin. My question is do i chop off the fucked up haggard lookin parts?
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    Anyone in TDot?

    I'm Belleville, not too far away :P
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    a bit of help sexing?

    first two pics are the same plant, diff angles. got one other one that hasnt shown any signs yet. i will keep yall posted tho :)
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    a bit of help sexing?

    hey bro first grow wasnt sure,wanted to b sure. dont be hatin :P
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    a bit of help sexing?

    ok so since theyre still in veg im safe from pollenation right? or should i wait till 12/12 and make sure its a male then toss it
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    a bit of help sexing?

    im personally not horny.. but my plants sure are. i think theyre starting to show sex even though im still in 18-6 (well 19/5 rly) ...i think 2 of 3 are autoflower.. i just got the seeds from random baggies, so im not sure of strain. but yeah i think one is female and one is male bit o' help?
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    How much does weed cost in canada?

    im in ontario. and usually an OZ of GOOD bud is like $200 but $40 for a half quad?! i wouldnt EVER pay more than $30
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    Purple dotting on steams

    Touche lol
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    Purple dotting on steams

    Omg tht looks horrible :-(
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    Please Help! Weed seedling drooping!

    huh, bad genetics maybe? is your light too far from the plant? i dunno man lol
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    Please Help! Weed seedling drooping!

    how often do u water?
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    why are my buds not sticky any more

    hope u havent been touching the buds.. theyre very sensitive
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    First time grow Q's

    well im an indoor grower, watch out for bugs, and keep them healthy if theyre outside... little late in the season for outdoor eh?
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    First time grow Q's add me to friends we'll tlk more
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    First time grow Q's

    theres an awesome sticky, it will tell you pretty much everythiung you need to know.. videos and everything.
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    possibly aphids?

    i did soak the sand, but i didnt know about the sand trick.. good to know
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    possibly aphids?

    Its still in veg for least another month so no worries about buds. And I think I killed em all off.. Saw one and acted fast. Kk so I dun need to flush em... Im not worried about over watering.. I have a good watering schedule tht wrks. No theyre definately thrips.. Least they were
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    possibly aphids?

    Yeah I did a nice mix of dawn, neem oil, and water.. Do I havr to flush my plant when using neem oil?
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    possibly aphids?

    figured it out, theyre thrips