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  1. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Heres two pics of my plants now.. Im working on getting a pH meter around here too.
  2. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Haha its cool man. I'll try and get a pH meter and sort it out. Thanks for putting in the effort to help me dude :cool:
  3. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Thanks bro ! :mrgreen:
  4. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    My plants are recovering though. The parts that were brown and yellow are turning back into a healthy green colour since i moved them out of the direct sunlight. If it was a problem with the pH then the leaves would remain brown because nothing in the soil was changed when they got the heat...
  5. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Theres nothing around here atal man ! There might be some shops that sell them but you would have to drive for an hour to get there. Alright, I'll try and get a pH meter somehow. Why are you so sure that theres a problem with the pH though ?
  6. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    The plants have been out of direct sunlight now for the past 3 days and they are recovering slowly, thank god ! @Jeffdogg : I dont have a pH meter so I cant. Im using mostly compost and since its compost from the Irish peat bogs, it'll be slightly acidic which is pretty much what you want. I...
  7. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Whats up everybody, The trouble is starting... One of the days the sun was beating down on the seedlings and I am pretty sure that they suffer from heat stress now. Must of been around 30 degrees in the bottles they were in. That was about 3 days ago. It killed the 2 smallest seedlings and very...
  8. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Whats up everyone, The plants cracked the surface about 10 days ago. They've been outside now for roughly 5 days. Heres some pictures of the 3 biggest seedlings and the tent they are in... Bless n love
  9. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Hahah thats weird ^^ Its just that nobody around here can afford a proper indoor grow setup. I prefer outdoor anyway. So much easier. :mrgreen: Exactly, we'll see in 2 months :) The 3 seedlings I put out are coming on very well. The first night I put them out, it was only 4 degrees, but they...
  10. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Transplanted the 3 bigger seedlings today. I have my tent thingy set up on a south-southwest facing hill side, over looking a lake. They'll get all the sun they need, if the weather plays along of course.. Now the wait begins... Bless n love
  11. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Hahah that would be pretty cool ^^
  12. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Haha yeah, the thin, see through plastic wrap that one uses to wrap sandwiches in ^^ It works, I tried it out before. I havn't mentioned this before, but it'll be a stealth grow. Its on someone elses fields that they dont use. I could of made a mini greenhouse out of glass or plastic sheets...
  13. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Heres a little update on my baby herbs. One of them is a bit slow, but im sure it'll catch up soon. Just to let ya'll know, when they are put outside, they will be inside a little tent I threw together out of cling film. Five pots just about fit into it, so it'll do. I will post pictures of...
  14. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Thanks for your advice dude. I didnt want to put them out yet as the weather was terrible the last few days. Its getting sunnier now, and they'll be transplanted tomorrow or on Friday. I might keep the small one in the house for a bit longer, until it gets strong enough for Ireland's climate.
  15. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Yeah man, everyone I know around here grows in poly tunnels. Only the bigger growers have Indoor set-ups, but thats only very very few. Yeah it sucked, but I learned alot about outdoor growing in this weather from that grow. It was my first grow too, so I didnt expect much. Hmm, thats...
  16. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Haha :) I know man, its such a gamble if you want to grow outdoors in Ireland, but I wanna give it a shot and hope for the best. Happy to hear that your interested. I tried to grow 3 Lowryder origionals last year, 2 died so there was one left, but due to all the stress it got kuz of the bad...
  17. VonSchnitzelberg

    Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

    Whats up everyone, Im planning to grow five Lowryder 2s this summer. Since you dont get many people that grow outdoors in Ireland, I thought that this 'grow journal' will be helpful to those thinking of growing outdoors in a cold, wet country aswell. Anyway, lets get to the details. I bought...
  18. VonSchnitzelberg

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hope the weather gets better soon.. im planning to grow 3 Lowryders in the vast plains of Leitrim ;)
  19. VonSchnitzelberg

    Whats wrong with this baby? (pics)

    I know that this is an old thrad, but did it work out alright ?
  20. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Heres another update on my plant damage. Its getting very bad now. The leaves are getting crispy, twisted and look awful... I still dont know what the hell it is.. :/ Now im thinking it could be the PH but as im using compost, this shouldnt be the case.. Any suggestions?