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  1. AlexanderHome

    This noon is back......grow 2.0

    So, I'm doing my second indoor grow..400W hydro tank of...i don't know how many gallons, but thinking of increasing the lights this time and adding a tank. For those of you who must know, I'm growing only to supply a few friends; I myself only smoke once a month or so.. so hate on me if you...
  2. AlexanderHome

    Greatest Athlete from your State?

    Sorry, not professional. My bad!
  3. AlexanderHome

    Greatest Athlete from your State?

    Jesse Owens. Oh, and the Crimson Tide. :-) Roll.....
  4. AlexanderHome

    Suicide dilemma

    Couple more stories. One of a terminal cancer patient. Didn't want to die in a bed. Made a pact with herself, husband, and her doctor. She researched how to do it. Madge her wishes clear to friends and family. Told her doctor what she needed per the hem lock soc.. She said she felt pain in so...
  5. AlexanderHome

    Suicide dilemma

    I did a research paper a year ago on assisted suicide. Everyone should have a living will is what it boils down to. Read one example of a 83 yr old with lung cancer. Went into heart failure while in the hospital. Was 98 pounds and emancipated. The attending doc contemplated opening his chest to...
  6. AlexanderHome

    A Jedi question

    Read a whole lot. On here and everywhere. Pay attention to the growers that have experience and teach you how to read your plants. Everyone is going to answer differently, and pray Uncle Been doesn't see any posts about snake oils. Study dwc and think about your feeding routine question...
  7. AlexanderHome

    my first grow is complete!

    Congrats man! Make sure you read up on curing, frankly it sounds like you can't go wrong of you take your time. Hope it turns out awesome!
  8. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    Um. Seriously... No one else has tried this? Seems so simple and Bohemian. I mean my plants are doing good (I think) considering I tried to kill them. Since I'm doing dwc with these I thought someone would jump on and blame my ignorant noob take on kiss. Shit, give me a reason that my plants...
  9. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    And results, good or bad, are always worth your time if you learn from them.
  10. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    Salt, everything always works out. Just depends on your expectations, goals, and perspectives!
  11. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    Second time someone on this forum has mentioned that, and being in an old school southern town with some progressive thinking, i've thought about trying to introduce hydro as a way for folks to have indoor gardens in the spaces above their two door garages. Only problem is credit, and the fact...
  12. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    Anyway....that's what I got going. Maybe have .03 cents in each cube, totally renewable, cheap resource. Any feed back welcomed.
  13. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    One thing that is cool with my little set up is germing. I'm doing two seeds per cube, one cube per net pot. I know that's not normally recommended but that's how I'm rolling. Anyway if you have a dead seed you can gently take the coco apart and combine it with another section of another cube...
  14. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    I started with the rounds of coco fiber by cutting them into quarters, then strips, then approx 3/4 squares. Then after producing a bunch of the squares, I matched them by size and stacked them together about an inch or so in width. I secured them with what I had handy, rubber bands. Then I...
  15. AlexanderHome

    Do it yourself rockwol using coco

    Ok... First off I am no where close to any kind of hydro store or the such, so I'm pretty limited to mostly buying off the internet. That being said, I'm posting this as a noob, on my first grow, and if this has been done before and credited to someone else, someone chime in. Now in the...
  16. AlexanderHome

    Human Essence

    Existence is only ones perception of reality. Or is reality ones perception of existence? I always get them mixed up.
  17. AlexanderHome

    Human Essence

    Not sure if I buy into the whole dark matter idea... It seems like we're just making stuff up at this point in an effort to rationalize concepts that may well be beyond us.
  18. AlexanderHome

    Human Essence

    @High My idea on the whole expanding universe theory to help out with your "hole". Supposedly black holes are at the center of most all spiral galaxies and exist elsewhere. If that is the case, at some point wouldn't all of the black holes eventually consume all matter in the universe, and then...
  19. AlexanderHome

    Flushing question, as in when do you tell the optimum time?

    Thanks man. Cool. I've read about using H202 and it being good for antiseptic purposes and adding some oxy when it breaks down. Does it affect your ph heading down very much at that concentrate?