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  1. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    Your outdoor ladies look awesome too. Ive never grown outdoors id like to see your finished results.
  2. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    Better yet I know of lot of folks read this so I'll cut the middle man for the lazy folks Color Temperature You might see a lot of different labels when shopping at the store for CFL’s. Label’s including Soft White, Warm White, Cool White, Bright White, Halogen White, Daylight...
  3. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    Well some clarification will definately make me change up my lights. I know my 2500 have a reddish color and my daylights are just that bright daylight looking lights giving off the same color as my T5's do. I read a good Tut check it out if you havent already and you can tell the difference in...
  4. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    I dont think thats true at all I think but im not a expert at all but i think the higher the K the better it is for veg not flowering I was under the assumption you want blue for veg like the daylight CFL then the reds for flowering like Soft while 2500 CFL's I might be wrong though.
  5. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    But wouldnt you want to use those lights for flowering and not vegging?
  6. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    i was looking for these bulbs when i went to home depot. i heard they had amazing results.
  7. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    I didnt see those bulbs at home depot but im about to look right this very minute. i did just buy those splitters that you posted though and they worked great. Turned my 4 light setup into 8 instantly.
  8. MMMLawIsGrand

    Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores

    Im getting ready to grow some Advanced Biodiesel in a dwc system. So far I havent gotten the best feedback but I do know for veg use 5000k-6500k CFL's and for flowering you use the 2500k CFL's. I went cheap and used the 23 watters from Home depot im using 6 5000k and 2 2500k giving off 12800...
  9. MMMLawIsGrand

    Cheap DWC CFL Grow with AUTO SEEDS

    So today i decided to add 4 more lights I wanted to add more but im still stuck on how to add more light sockets. The 4 I used for this came from 3 lamps i found in the basement. I went to home depot this morning and looked around I went originally looking for something like this A 125 CFL...
  10. MMMLawIsGrand

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Does this go the same for Auto's that need to stay on a 18/6 schedule all the way through?
  11. MMMLawIsGrand

    Cheap DWC CFL Grow with AUTO SEEDS

    So I spent the last few hours dissecting my lamps to make this cool 4 way CFL mount. Turned out exactly how i was thinking but I dont know if its going to be effective yet. To be determined. I also stuck my Sunblaster to the wall but it doesnt look like a good location for it at going to...
  12. MMMLawIsGrand

    Cheap DWC CFL Grow with AUTO SEEDS

    Moving on to what we all want to know WHAT KIND OF SEEDS!! I want to grow 3 different strains in one system but as I was sitting back thinking not all strains will work on the same nutrient schedule so I'm ditching that plan correct me if i'm on the wrong path guys. Instead im going to be...
  13. MMMLawIsGrand

    Cheap DWC CFL Grow with AUTO SEEDS

    So that's my simple little set up once I actually set it up. Moving on My first grow in this system i only used one air stone for 3 plants and for lighting i used that 1 Sunblaster light with some seeds i found in the bottom of a drawer no strain just regular seeds. It produced pretty decent...
  14. MMMLawIsGrand

    Cheap DWC CFL Grow with AUTO SEEDS

    I wanted to post a actual grow journal but I figured my grow would be better suited here. Since I only know what im doing in theory lol I figured id get more help here. I have all my components for my starter grow system I did alot of research and I just came to the conclusion since its one of...
  15. MMMLawIsGrand

    Welcome New Members!

    I been a member for a while now maybe 8 months or so and I usually spend my time researching and figuring out the best ways to do things but I have my starter system together now once i can get a grow journal together i'm going to start germing these seeds i got from attitude. Im trying my...
  16. MMMLawIsGrand

    Whenever I figure out how to start a grow journal Im gonna post some pics. I started my seeds on...

    Whenever I figure out how to start a grow journal Im gonna post some pics. I started my seeds on friday the 19th and i have some small plants growing that im getting ready to put into my system.
  17. MMMLawIsGrand


    hey apollo I just signed up today too but I read alot before I joined. I have a very basic DWC setup that I plan to use You should add me to see my grow I have a few started already but I'm going to start a few more tonight. Im going to try to add you because I want to see someone elses grow...