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  1. SmurfKiller

    LED with CFL

    So after some reading. I think my best option is to move to a HPS Bulb for flowering. I only have a small about 60 x 60 cm grow area. So from what i can see, i can just replace my 4U 125w CFL with a 250w HPS It is actually cheaper than getting LED Lighting. I found this...
  2. SmurfKiller

    Twin Plant

    How do i know what one is the weaker one. they both look the same. and how would i separate them. their roots are joined. should i just get a razor blade and cut one at its base?
  3. SmurfKiller

    LED with CFL

    So you would recommend going for just plain old LED house lights instead of the "Grow Panels" ?
  4. SmurfKiller

    Twin Plant

    I just had a twin sprout and i am not too sure what to do with it. So as i am using a 125w CFL bulb, if both grow evenly I was thinking of putting it in a large pot tying it down/toping them so i should get a decent yield. well for a CFL. Any thoughts?
  5. SmurfKiller

    LED with CFL

    I have a 125w CFL bulb and it is OK, i get an OK yield for what i put in. But now i have started a new plant "White Widow" and i wanted to try to get a larger yield. So i was thinking of throwing in a LED panel, something like this...
  6. SmurfKiller

    Hermaphrodite plant?

    I used Sliver Haze feminized seeds There was a about 1 - 1/2 week period where i didn't water it, I was busy :( when i got to it it looked almost dead! but i gave it some water with nutrients and it came back to life looking better than before, well once i removed a few dead leaves. So any...
  7. SmurfKiller

    Hermaphrodite plant?

    Ah ok, so its worth while keeping the plant. It sucks having to drive to The Netherlands to get seeds. lol. I am using a 125w CFL in a cupboard about 60cm x 40cm lined with mylar.
  8. SmurfKiller

    Hermaphrodite plant?

    I have just been doing some googleing and from i can find on forums is that the seeds from a hermie have a high chance of producing a hermie. and if as you say it will have a low THC content is it even worth keeping? I can only grow 1 plant at a time (it is the legal limit in my country) given...
  9. SmurfKiller

    Hermaphrodite plant?

    It's my only plant, and it was from my last seed. So i guess i will have less bud, but free seeds :D This is a whole new thing for me, so when do i know when to harvest it?
  10. SmurfKiller

    Hermaphrodite plant?

    Hey all, so i think i have a Hermie Plant. What do you think? What i can do with my plant now? Trash it start again? I have herd somewhere that it will still produce smokable bud but with Female seeds? If that is the case is it worth keeping just to harvest the seeds? Thanks :)
  11. SmurfKiller

    Is it time to harvest?

    I am using a 125w CFL. This is my first grow, next time i am going to put it into flowering much earlier from what i understand it will be a smaller plant but i will get larger heads and a over all larger yeald.
  12. SmurfKiller

    Is it time to harvest?

    ??? Is there any special way to cut it to cause less stress to the plant. ?
  13. SmurfKiller

    Is it time to harvest?

    It is Silver Haze and it has been flowering for about 8 1/2 weeks now.
  14. SmurfKiller

    Is it time to harvest?

    I didnt know i could do that. all the lower heads are pathetic. So i chop off the main cola and lower the light and let the rest of the plant keep growing?
  15. SmurfKiller

    Is it time to harvest?

    Here is a zoomed in version of my second picture. But it is hard to tell, i would think they are starting to look milky. what are your thoughts fromt he picture.
  16. SmurfKiller

    Is it time to harvest?

    Hi all, I think it may be time to harvest my plant, but i am not sure. so i thought i would post pictures and ask. So, what do you think? Yay or nay?
  17. SmurfKiller

    Please Help :(

    Well for now i have asked her to switch to water with no nuts. and see how that goes for a week. If it fails ill just have to start again from seed :) at least next time i wont be going on holidays so i can keep a close eye on it.
  18. SmurfKiller

    Please Help :(

    Well the problem is i am not there to check it. I am about 16000km away :) I was just hoping that it might just be too many nuts or water or not enough. I get back in 2 weeks so i am just going to have to hope for the best... :(
  19. SmurfKiller

    Please Help :(

    Well last time i checked it was about 24c-25c the soil was moist but she had just watered about a day ago. there is a fan on it 24/7 and the nuts i am using are a sort of kit that i got from my local hydro shop it was called Plagron Top Grow Box. which has been working great. Well when i was...
  20. SmurfKiller

    Please Help :(

    Hey all, i went on holidays and left my plant in the care of my Girlfriend and something has gone wrong. :( she has sent me some pictures. I was thinking maybe too much nuts & water. What do you think?