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  1. electronic orgasm

    Asked to Re-confirm

    I get the exact same thing when I click the link as well...
  2. electronic orgasm

    It all started with a plant light from wal mart...

    Im subscribed...nice girls & nice setup you have there. *bump*
  3. electronic orgasm

    Half Harvest: 318 grams wet....Big bud

    Wow! Thats really cool man! Good job. 1000w CFL, thats quite impressive. Just curious, what was your day to warm light ratio going from veg to flower? Certainly you didnt swap out all 32 bulbs...or did you? No less....very nice.
  4. electronic orgasm

    2 weeks in to 12/12

    I would need to see pics, but black spots sound like a fungus. I don't know for sure, im just giving my opinion, as for the curling leaves, is the curl upwards or downwards? Up typically = overwatering Down typically = MOST cases. Again, this is just simply me trying to help...
  5. electronic orgasm

    This may be the stupidest lighting question ever but here goes.....

    "On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me....12g of weed and a partridge in a pear tree" lol sorry, I could not resist.
  6. electronic orgasm

    Sex and Flowering

    Your light setup will have a lot to do with it yes, but also take into consideration the genetics of each seed, especially if its bagseed. One strain may explode and grow really fast maturing well before the others, where as the other seed(s) with possibly different genetics may take a few extra...
  7. electronic orgasm

    I just need to know...

    Two 26w CFLs = 52w not 200w, you go by the actual wattage pulled not the wattage output equivalent.
  8. electronic orgasm

    6 weeks flower, 300W+ CFL grow, let me know what you think :) +pics

    Awesome! Thanks, Im definintly going to give your reflector a go soon. Ive already got most of the materials lying around.
  9. electronic orgasm

    Sex and Flowering

    "BUT, all the pistils seem to on the higher nodes (top of the plant) and the lower aren't showing pistils (yet?)." I would think the reason that the top of the plant is developing faster than the bottom is due to light penetration (Granted I don't know your lighting setup). Light is only good...
  10. electronic orgasm

    hey i gotta :D

    Remember, you will always get what you pay for. That aside, it does'nt look like a bad start up kit. I have looked at a few of those complete setups on Ebay before myself. As for the light leakage, try to seal it off the very best you can. Its hard to say what amount of light will or will not...
  11. electronic orgasm

    whats this part of the plant called

    Are you referring to the bulge at the internode where the calyx's form?
  12. electronic orgasm

    6 weeks flower, 300W+ CFL grow, let me know what you think :) +pics

    Looking very good. How did you make your reflector? I like that.
  13. electronic orgasm

    white widow

    From what i read, you are right. 40/60 Sativa dominate.
  14. electronic orgasm

    Male or female???

    Gonna need a close up pic of the internodes to determine that, even maybe hard to tell at this point, although the biggest plant does look to have asymetrical branch growth. Take a close up shot.
  15. electronic orgasm

    Stupied bitch !!

    Oh man, this thread has soooo many vulnerabilities....i smell a flame war coming but im sure not going to start it.
  16. electronic orgasm

    I just planted 2 days ago

    I don't use fertilizer of ANY sort until at LEAST day 14 from seed and thats only 1/8 - 1/4 strength IF the plants are healthy enough at that point. Usually your soil will contain enough NPK in it to sustain the plant from germination through seedling to the beginning of the vegative state...
  17. electronic orgasm

    My Grow Kicking Ninja ass under a 150 hps Tell me what you think!!!

    Im still amazed at your grow with a 150w HPS and a few CFL's. I can't wait until my 150w gets here.
  18. electronic orgasm

    Cfl break?

    I dont really see a need for too much concern, if it makes you feel any better, I dropped a splitter with two 26w CFL's on the floor and they both shattered into millions of peices. I swept it up wiped the area down with a damp cloth to be sure all glass dust was gone and went about my business.
  19. electronic orgasm

    my grow so far with pics

    If you are talking about the weird lines on the leaves, that looks like a leaf miner I would let them go at least another 2 -4 weeks in veg, let them grow up a bit.