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  1. M

    Cooling HPS lights in very confined space?

    Hey guys, Just leaving an update. Its been hard to find time amidst school and work, but im still working on it. After alot of reading and browsing these forums i've decided for such a small grow the best bet is to keep this whole thing as simple and elegant as i can. Since i want to avoid...
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    Cooling HPS lights in very confined space?

    So, i've decided to embark on a micro stealth grow within a computer case. I know this is very confining yeild wise, and to get the most out of such a small space, i would like to use a small HPS in lue of CFLs. I found this kit for a 70watt home security HPS from homedepot. My concern is...
  3. M

    Help me fill this space, room under construction.

    Hey guys, good call on the security problem call. One weekend of seasonal traffic and a memorial day visitor or two and im done with that location. Ima have to go outdoors with it. I got a couple spots staked out, we'll see how that goes. And as for the engineering aspect, i wanna go indoor...
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    Help me fill this space, room under construction.

    Chronntec i hadn't thought of that aspect of the smell. I had just planed on using rubber weatherstripping on plywood panels, with screws. Easy on easy off, sealed when closed, but when i open it, it will smell alright. Ill just air it out after i guess. And yes, i plan on being able to get...
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    Help me fill this space, room under construction.

    Well, at 17, juggling a car payment, innsurance, and tuition, im financialy motivated to get creative. After seeing 150 watt hps setups inteded for security going for 60 a pop on ebay i might downsize my wattage a bit to save some loot. Anyone have any thoughts on my wattage for a grow this...
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    Miracle Gro potting soil

    Sorry for the double post, damn backspace went back a few pages and mest me up.
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    Miracle Gro potting soil

    I've had an interesting experience so far with MG. To date if potted around 30 seedlings into MG potting mix, the 3 month time release stuff. The first 4 plants i potted are thriving, an example being this picture of alyssa "knocks on wood" at 20 days from the time the seed first met water...
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    Help me fill this space, room under construction.

    well the setup sounds like what i wanna accomplish, minus store bought. Im good with my hands and i can make Carbon filters wrapped around mesh for support so ill basically have can filters, as long as i blow my exhuast threw them and seal it all up it should function the same as the store...
  9. M

    Downturned leaves, need a soil uprgade.

    Anyone? Anything would be appreciated
  10. M

    Help me fill this space, room under construction.

    Hey guys, This is my first grow, in soil, indoors. The final grow space will be under this workbench that bends inside a corner of the basement. There is another leg that that light sorta blinds out that forms the L shape in the diagram i drew. Currently its all just out in the open...
  11. M

    Shortest vaible veg-times? Potency effects of early flowering?

    Indeed it is. As for cleaning up that i can handle, what i can't handle is how perfect the location is and how great some of the seedlings are looking, and not actually pulling it off. Here is a first draft of my plans for the final grow room setup, . On second thought i might have both...
  12. M

    Shortest vaible veg-times? Potency effects of early flowering?

    Hey guys, I need some help with lighting cycles. I've read that some folks have been having some good success with 12/12 from seed, but in these instances its just 12/12 from the start. The rest of the grows i've seen or read about had the normal period of vegitating that would be present in...
  13. M

    Downturned leaves, need a soil uprgade.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to look this over and help me with my plant problems, you help the novice growers immensely. So about the problem, i've used the search feature to identify the outline of my problems, if anyone could directly address these issues it would help...
  14. M

    (Pics) 40seedlings, room for 20 plants, a splash of mcguiver, and we'ev got a grow

    Another update, morning of day 22 Some plants are thriving, some are gaining strength, and a few straight dropped their leaves. Im still happy with whats going strong though. The temp sensor recorded a temp range of 63-70, when i was there it was holding steady at 66 and 67 in two...
  15. M

    (Pics) 40seedlings, room for 20 plants, a splash of mcguiver, and we'ev got a grow

    Day 20 It's killing me to not be living at the house with my plants. I came by to find that my friend had fallen sick and naturally taken better care for himself than the plants. No ones fault but i found the seedlings being crushed by a poorly mounted Flouro, the sweet 16 desperatly in...
  16. M

    Advice: Homemade Ballasts and MultiPlant Pots?

    Just a couple quick questions i have for more experience growers. First of all. Im proficeint electronically. I can solder, wire, build, most devices provided a schematic. I understand the basic parts and fucntions of an HPS ballast, the transformer, capacitor, ignitor, and socket. This all...
  17. M

    (Pics) 40seedlings, room for 20 plants, a splash of mcguiver, and we'ev got a grow

    DWR, i wrote all that at like 3 in the morning, made rediculous amount of gramatical errors, and i ment to type 4 250watts. The problem is i don't have room to get all the plants under one big light. I have plenty of room, but its in a long corridor fashion. I made this quick diagram to...
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    CFL/HPS?/Halogen first time grow, any advice?

    Grow Journal added Check it out for more information
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    Jiffy Pots + Miracle Grow Soil, Thoughts?

    Grow journal added, transplant from jiffy pots coming soon i think. Ill update as needed
  20. M

    (Pics) 40seedlings, room for 20 plants, a splash of mcguiver, and we'ev got a grow

    Id like to use this journal to gain knowledge i can apply to my grow specifically. Ill post more with detailed questions i still have, but for now id love to hear any thoughts about the grow and or any suggestions. Its still semi in development so id like as much info as possible to get it...