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  1. DankyMcNugerson

    how do these look? little over 1 wk from germination

    they are getting nute burn. thats what the yellow/brown tips are. that soil is too hot for those little babies
  2. DankyMcNugerson

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    Hey fella's. a buddy of mine gave me some Deep Purple seeds as a gift. Hopefully they pop in a week or so!!
  3. DankyMcNugerson

    what is this bug??? pics

    looks like an Aphid to me, but i cant be 100% on that
  4. DankyMcNugerson

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    So i found some spider mites on a few of the little ones in my veg room, any tips on killing these little fuckers? ive heard dawn soap works but i am skeptical has anyone tried it?
  5. DankyMcNugerson


    50% is pretty premo in my opinion. the only time i would drop below 50 would be the last two weeks of flower
  6. DankyMcNugerson

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    Fucking light fell some time in the last hour.. not a good day. Lost all but 3.. I want to rip my fucking eyeballs out right now
  7. DankyMcNugerson


    dude just let it grow and see what happens. you'd be suprised
  8. DankyMcNugerson

    1st grow. A few more questions.

    Topping and LST are they way to go IMO. as far as when to induce flowering, my plants tend to triple in size from the time i switch to 12/12 to the time they are done so i would plan accordingly. good luck with the grow man
  9. DankyMcNugerson

    Leaves edges curling under

    Yeah that could be the issue. since there is time ferts in the soil you may still be over feeding. id give it a good flush
  10. DankyMcNugerson

    Leaves edges curling under

    also what kind of soil are you using?
  11. DankyMcNugerson

    Leaves edges curling under

    have you checked your ph? could be locking out some of your nutes. try and get it to 6.5 ish
  12. DankyMcNugerson

    just started flowering

    the hiars (pistils) show in the same place as the male sacs. the males will have little banana sacks, can't miss em
  13. DankyMcNugerson


    are you misting the plants? clones or from seed?
  14. DankyMcNugerson

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    So i went and picked up a 4x8x6.5 foot Secret Jardin DR 240w on Craigslist for super cheap and i am getting a light mover/rail system on monday. this run is going to be AWESOME
  15. DankyMcNugerson

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    got a GSC clone too :)
  16. DankyMcNugerson

    Danky's White Rhino with T5's

    Starting Flowering on 7 today. 2 purple god bud, 2 Grape ape, 2 white rhino and one BBxNL
  17. DankyMcNugerson

    Newbie needs some advice! Wk 3/4 of Flowering! With Pics!

    No problem man i was in your position not long ago and this website helped me alot so i try and help whenever i can. I would trim anything that you don't think is going reach near canopy level in 2 weeks. other then that i would have just about everything else from maybe 2-3 inches below the net...
  18. DankyMcNugerson

    Newbie needs some advice! Wk 3/4 of Flowering! With Pics!

    hey man it's looking nice so far, Here's is some advice for you take it or leave it: The Screen Of Green Technique is all about flooding your canopy with light, IMO you have way to much growth under your screen. All those little tiny twigs are doing is taking away from the size of the nugs in...
  19. DankyMcNugerson


    what is the strain?
  20. DankyMcNugerson

    Yield Under T5 H.O. bulbs (total 40,000 lumens)

    oh and i used 3 gallon pots