Search results

  1. B

    Did Garden Knowm get busted?

    I tried to search on "Garden Knowm," and the search for this site sucks, because nothing is returned. I used to really like his posts, both here and on the spirtuality section. Now, on his avatar is what looks like a picture of a seizure by feds(?) Is there a thread with anything on this?
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    Dr.Chronic He Turned Scam

    I just got my customs seizure letter from the doc order I placed over a month ago. I would never use or try him again. Whether he is a good person or not is obviously impossible for me to tell. I don't feel like the fight for the money back, and I'm the one that took the risk, so I'm not...
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    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    Greenstuff...I think he says in this thread that they were all the Wal-mart near me, that's all that was sold in 42-watt configurations. And on Day 2 of the book, it says he went 24/0.
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    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    yes...thank you very much!
  5. B came through for me!

    got a second order from planetskunk w/the freebie being "rasta." no, i'm not growing all these at once...i just kind of went crazy trying to get seeds and ordered more than i can grow for now...but the good news is I shouldn't have to order for a real, real, long time again.
  6. B any good?

    I received mine on Monday, so I think their first "miss" was more my fault than their fault with the fake name.
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    some newb questions (first grow)

    Hmmm...found an answer, and for me it isn't good: My calculations = about $65/month extra. ouch.
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    some newb questions (first grow)

    Thanks... Hey, since you two seem to be pretty active in responding: --what does your cost per month go up to for electricity, even when using CFL's? I'm currently at 6 bulbs at 42 watts per bulb. Was thinking of doing 24/7 while vegging...wondering how much that is going to add to my...
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    some newb questions (first grow)

    So, I've watched this board a long time, tried many failed seed orders ,and finally got some seeds, germinated 3, 2 popped in 24 hours, the third one popped at 48 hours. (yay!) So, all CFL for first grow (trying to follow GK's "Buds for Less" book). This is in a closet that was previously...
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    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    GK, I have a question, I hope it isn't too stupid. I'm very excited to be starting my grow, and attempting to model it after your book. My question is about the count of CFL's. On Day 5 you say that you expanded the CFL count to 8 CFL's, by using splitters. But in the how to make a basic...
  11. B any good?

    that would be 5 days ago. I had read good things about them. I have to be honest, other than whole illegal to the US thing, I don't think most of the well known guys are shady. I think it is a matter of the luck of getting through customs, and some people seem to be better at that then...
  12. B any good?

    My first order with them failed to get to me. I waited 5 weeks. They offered me a £10 discount (that's about $18 US) to re-try, so I did. Don't know about that one, yet. Check out PlanetSkunk. They are the first ones to work for me, and was very, very fast.
  13. B came through for me!

    Yeah, I think I should, although a google search on wanda showed up this: - "Wanda" Comming soon to PS Seedshop as "Freebies" (updated ) - Marijuana Growing "She likes her nutes, and needs LOTS of light, she does NOT do well under CFL's unless there are a LOT of them" My first grow is going...
  14. B came through for me!

    After trying both sensibleseeds and Dr. Chronic to no avail, I tried Very, very fast! Ordered on Aug. 28, which is last Thursday, got my seeds Today, Tuesday, September 2! That is under a week! Pretty great to have some success. I won't give away anything, but I will say...
  15. B

    where do i buy psilocybe mushroom kit?

    sorry man, I didn't pay attention to your location. I'm jealous of anyone who lives in NoCal, btw. Trust me, where I live, its illegal as hell as well, but unlike weed, you don't need special lights, there is no smell coming from your room, e.t.c. It is pretty easy to do. Like I said, I...
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    Arjan's Haze #3 - 1st CFL grow

    Hey man, I'm still following and trying to learn...thanks for keeping this up. Can I ask a question? Are you going to be adding more 2700k bulbs and removing the others when you start to flower? Or are you going to keep a mix? Thanks, and keep up the good work.
  17. B

    your mood and your posts

    My mood is typically good on RIU. Unfortunately, I can't go to RIU at work, so I tend to frequent sports bbs's on work "breaks." Since you're a former ESPN guy, you probably know the type. Then I find myself sucked into political debates, and I quickly lose any "love" I have for fellow man...
  18. B

    where do i buy psilocybe mushroom kit?

    You don't really need it, but I did this, and it was my first (and only) time, and it worked fine for me: 1. Order from here: SporeLab 2. I used the "PF Tek for Simple Minds" to get an idea, and then pretty much used the "Simple PF Tek" found here:
  19. B

    how to mail bud?

    Last night, smoked something the girl who had it called "raspberry." (don't know if that's bullshit or not). Tasted kind of minty, and got us all high as kites. She said it came fed ex to her from a connection she had on the west coast. She told us that Fed Ex was one of the biggest...
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    the best weed Ive ever had. How do I find it again?

    I don't know how you find it, but I feel your pain. Best stuff I ever smoked, including my trips to Amsterdam, was from a local dealer who called it "Superman." Well, good luck finding seeds for a strain called "superman." Appears to me to be a name either the grower or the dealer made up...