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  1. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    Nice move RIU removing my last post from here denying me defense. Now how about removing all the insolent posts by others? Or are you also perlite obsessed?
  2. tetrahydrofail

    Forced Hermi...

    Agree with Dwezelitsame. There's no telling what you'll end up with. I have just stressed the hell out of my hermi bagseed plant and there's no sign of herming 6 weeks into flower. It's been through nute burn, nute deficiency, heat stress and re-potting. Looking weird, but still a flowering...
  3. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    lol, people, you're laughable. You've obviously never mixed soil before. Throw in some more ad hominems to protect your egos. Listen to yourselves justifying the use of perlite by talking about shitty soils. It sound like you'd rather grow in clay than let go of obsolete grow techniques...
  4. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    Organic compost with 75% peat and added own fiberous compost consisting of mostly general fruit/vegetable food waste and quite a few tomato plants. There's also a minute amount of PERLITE in it that came mixed in with the compost. I'd prefer perlite free, but it's there so what. I removed what I...
  5. tetrahydrofail

    what the f#*k

    yeah whatever man
  6. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    Yeah, keep patting yourself on the shoulder. Calling me a noob and welcoming me when you've joined less than 2 months before me, lol I don't sit on my ass in front of a PC pretending I'm a pro weed grower making ignorant remarks, like you do, but cannabis is a plant and I know quite a bit about...
  7. tetrahydrofail

    what the f#*k

    OK. To you and to RINKSTEIN I hereby officially apologize for having a sense of humor and for not being a stiff. I also solemnly swear to only post to RIU with a long hard stick up my behind to remind me of the seriousness of what's posted here. Thank you, fine gentlemen, for putting me right.
  8. tetrahydrofail

    electric question

    Firstly, you would have to be under some kind of investigation already for the cops to be able to even request your personal usage data and secondly, they surely have better things to do than prey on DIY growers with all the serious drug trafficking and money laundering going on all the time...
  9. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    Not sure what you mean by plenty, but keep in mind the rate at which the water is absorbed depends on surrounding conditions like heat and air movement, as well as on the size of the pot, the plant and its root system. So using 'plenty' of water on a small or underdeveloped root system may...
  10. tetrahydrofail

    what the f#*k

    lol, no I only agreed to not going full retard. You've projected the rest yourself ;)
  11. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    Are you advocating for the use of dense soils to justify the use of perlite? lol I do not question perlite's physical properties, I do, however, question it's benefits as an additive to soil for growing weed. If you've chosen soil as your grow medium, you should go for the best possible...
  12. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    Perlite won't prevent overwatering nor will it help you with CO2. On the other hand a smart and steady waterring schedule with good drainage WILL prevent overwaterring, and talking to your plants for 45 minutes every day WILL help you with CO2 more than perlite, even though it doesn't sound as...
  13. tetrahydrofail

    Can I add perlite to my soil after seedling have sprouted?

    As far as I know, using Perlite is a total waste of whatever you've put into using it. Nothing beats using high quality grow medium. Perlite won't help improve low quality soil and it also creates dry spots. It soaks in moisture from soil and contains it within the granules. You can best...
  14. tetrahydrofail

    Is my plant turning hermie?

    Looks like a ball on a stick to me. I'd say it's a hermie.
  15. tetrahydrofail

    Growing 3 leflet leaves after surviving nute burn

    Not sure there will be another grow. Too much money went into this one already. Could have bought a decent bag of ween instead. The plant isn't so spindly anymore. The branches are strong enough and the main stem is about as thick at the base of an average person's thumb. Why would you think I...
  16. tetrahydrofail

    Growing 3 leflet leaves after surviving nute burn

    My problem is as per the title. My plant survived a serious Nitrogen burn described here and now all new leaves grow with only three leaflets. And those are as thin as if this was some Thai weed. The original leaves had 5 to 9 leaflets and were much wider. Also, tomorrow starts week 6 of...
  17. tetrahydrofail

    Calyx or Balls?

    What do you mean toss it? Nothing wrong with a hermie. It's going to be an epic smoke and you will end up with nice feminized seeds. Hermie is a win/win unless you are selling your produce. If it's for your own use, give it love and you'll be rewarded twice.
  18. tetrahydrofail

    Misleading titles...

    You find that misleading? There is an actual thread title here 'Fucking cats'. You go in and it's just a bunch of dudes talking about pets eating their weed. That's a misleading title!
  19. tetrahydrofail

    what the f#*k

    What hate? If you're refering to the 'full retard' comments then you may want to watch this Your stoner senses may be failing you :shock: