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  1. S

    Question, Need Help!

    Is that the Supersoil formula? I do hydro, but was thinking about a soil for mother plants. EDIT: Never mind, I watched the video.
  2. S

    Nutrient Schedule For Auto-Flower Strain

    This follows what I've read. However, I've read conflicting things about Autoflowers. I've also read that you should graduate(half/half mixture of veg/bloom) to bloom nutrients when the Auto first shows signs of flowering then go to full bloom a week later.
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    Lots of Crickets out this way....... Anyways, ran a couple ounces of shake from last harvest of lemon skunk and church through my bags. The hash sure has picked up the fragrance from the Church. The 73 micron size especially. What's your favorite strain for hash?
  4. S

    Do NOT Use UPS!!

    I don't like them for other reasons. The nice little fee (sometimes 100% the price of the item being delivered) they add onto the delivery charge for a customs agent that does nothing but rubber stamp boxes is what gets my UPS goat.
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    2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)

    I currently have a Super Lemon Haze that just took root a couple of weeks ago. So far I've noticed it likes to stay squat and bushy. I wasn't expecting this even though I've topped it a couple of times. I'm subbing in to watch the rest of your project. :)
  6. S

    flowers or balls? first grow!!

    Yup those are balls. time for new seeds.
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    I remember the first time I had hash, it was back when I was in high school. I remember the smell especially. It was so rich and pungent. The taste was smooth and earthy. I can taste it now just thinking about it. I also remember the smell when you put a lighter under it to break it up...
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    Growers: What's in YOUR personal headstash?

    My favorite right now is Church. I'm going to be sad when that jar is empty, I had such problems growing it. Right from the start I had too chop it at it's base as a seedling and re-root it because it got some sort of fungus rot around the trunk. Then I dealt with a nutrient problem with...
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    germination question

    I'm curious, how do you propose to stick a seed the size of a grain of rice in the middle of some clay balls and expect it not to fall through the medium. Not criticizing, just truly Curious. (yes I know this is an older thread)
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    Minimum amount of plants for a harvest a month?

    Sorry, I didn't really address vegging. I can't really tell you what you would get if you went 12/12 from clone. no clue. I'm still figuring things out.
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    New Vermicomposter

    I love the design on your worm composter. I've been just using single rubbermaids with holes drilled in the lids and sides. some things those little critters really love are: avacadoes, mangos and bell peppers. Also keep the composter well away from your garden. They are a magnet for...
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    I Think I am going to buy this.

    Rubbermaid is your friend. They have a container for almost every size you can imagine and it's not very hard to cut out a hole for the net pot to fit in and another for your air hose. As far as nutrients go, I think you can use just about any of the usual suspects. I have run organic nutes...
  13. S

    Minimum amount of plants for a harvest a month?

    with an 8 week flowering cycle you would need at least 5 at one time. 1 for clones then 4 in the flowering room (starting with 1 adding another every 2 weeks till you reach 4) Then adding a new vegged clone every time you harvest 1 plant.