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  1. C

    clonin my top???

    Not neccessarily, I tried rooting some clones a bit back directly in soil and it took forever. Like 5 weeks or more without roots. They eventually all rooted tho.
  2. C

    Protection from freezing.

    What are temps expected to be??
  3. C

    I need to put outside can I?

    It might help if you told us what kind of tempertures you are experiencing at the moment lol. Cannabis can tolerate very low temps, it will slow them down but they will survive. But if you have to better to put them out than just kill them...
  4. C

    Help with sexing

    Clones from where? You can't turn a female plant into a male by stressing it. You either mislabeled/mixed stuff up , or someone sold/gave you a male plant.
  5. C

    GERMINATION done the right way!

    Um well not everyone uses dirt... plus just dropping in dirt takes like a week or more before they break surface. And a heat mat and a dome are very useful for for popping seeds even in dirt...
  6. C

    Without cloning gel??

    Yeah, just clone like usual, without the gel/powder...
  7. C

    Why does outdoor typically yield more?

    Outdoors every plant gets the same light coverage/intensity, whether one plant or a 100. Your limited to a few plants getting the sweet part of your lamp indoors...
  8. C

    Wisdom teeth

    My wisdom teeth had to be taken out by an oral surgeon, they were impacted, basically the all came in sideways...
  9. C

    Wisdom teeth

    Expensive way to go about getting vicodin. Pretty sure it'd be a lot cheaper getting them all pulled at once then find a source on craigslist for your fix. Lol.
  10. C

    everclear hash oil

    95% everclear works fine for this purpose.
  11. C

    help was transplanting and think i cut off roots!!

    I bet it would, treat it like a clone it'll re-root lol. But as long as it has some of its root system it should pull thru just keeping it like normal...
  12. C

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    Less than three weeks...
  13. C

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    OP is a child not a man. Lol. Child with a dick for a brain it seems.
  14. C

    Using a heating pad on a cold night.

    Weed can handle 66 degrees just fine, but I don't think a heating mat will hurt. Also a dome wouldn't hurt either short term, basically a green house..
  15. C

    Can you pay through paypal on Attitude?

    I used paypal back in the glory days of heaven's stairway... lol I bet there are still those that take it, some people take chances are still take it like thru adult services which is also against paypal rules, what a bunch of criminal douchbags they are lol, I hate paypal. They siezed like 5...
  16. C

    Who says bho is fire?

    Well capitalization and the way things written obviously do matter. Is english your first language? Not that it really matters just curious. Walls of text, and capitalizing every word annoys most english speaking people.
  17. C

    3200 watts - too much for summer?

    Hope you don't mean stealing power, because besides snitches (real ones, not your electric company) that is probably the most common way of getting caught.
  18. C

    Who says bho is fire?

    Ok, So Bigger Is Better Huh?? It Is Highly Annoying When People Type Every Word With a capital Letter Too...
  19. C

    when is it too late to take a clone?

    If you want to save the plant (no other clones / mother ) it is never too late to take a clone, it can just take a long time to recover even after it roots.
  20. C

    Moldy bud be smokeable ?

    I would think high heat would kill them, or process with 95% alcohol... ??