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  1. D

    how much longer tii harvest? pics

    what strain is that? that mantis is fuckin sweet, i have a spider that dosnt make webs hanging out on one of mine, im pretty sure he kills a lot of bugs too so thats why i leave him.... anyone see bugs they have never seen before on there plants outside, i swear i think i have found a few new...
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    Police Helicopter Just Flew Over...

    ha that would suck if they did, actually i would rather them do that then take my ass to jail. i was thinking about bringing them indoors if it starts to frost too early. would a 36 watt hps and 2 26 watt fluros be enough light for 2 plants about 3 feet tall? just enough to finnish them cause...
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    Police Helicopter Just Flew Over...

    hmmm i feel a lot better now. was yours very obvious and has anyone else been busted by helicopters?:joint:
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    Police Helicopter Just Flew Over...

    so a police helicopter just flew over... was moving pretty fast but very low and right over my girls, didnt stop. also in a path i have never seen them fly before. i just have 2 of them and only like 3 feet tall on the edge of the woods in pots right next to each other. do you think i have...
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    My simple view on war

    chuck your an idiot, flat out say shit about one persons country but its somehow wrong for someone to say something about yours or deffend theres. dont worry about him growtech hes just a know it all prick who wants to justify leaving the US i guess, i dunno what his motives are really other...
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    My simple view on war

    actually the reason im not over there fighting is because i had a choice, to go to the military or go to college where im at now working on a bach in information technology. so i guess im just so stupid and have no education because i made an exaggeration, no shit theres more then 2000 ppl lol...
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    My simple view on war

    what makes us the greatest is we will fucking kick any countries ass who dare tempt us... by far the most powerful all the things that make canada good are pretty easy when theres a whole 2000 people who live there we stick our nose where it doesn't belong because the mutha-fucking eagle CAN...
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    GreenX How to's... How to Clone in Soil (w/pics)

    so how many clones did you take from each of the plants pictured?
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    I'm voting for McCain....

    billj yeah thats a good point. i just think we need to clean out congress tho. im not tryin to say theres no importance of the pres, just not so much the things most people bitch/cast there vote on.
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    Led Zeppelin

    major fan right here dude
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    I'm voting for McCain....

    yanno most of the things wrong with this country isnt up to the president, sure they claim they will do this and change that lol but they actually dont have the power. its just a way to get attention. we need to put more of our efforts towards the different areas of the government because thats...
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    God I miss Bob Dylan

    like a rolling stone, man of constant sorrow, all along the watchtower, just about all his stuff is great, bob dylans the shit
  13. D

    Fuck Bars!!

    if u live in a pill ate up area then u would deff know what a bar is, everyone talks about em... some areas arnt big on pills yet, n thats a good thing. people here will pay 100 bucks for one oxy 80 mg, thats ONE pill, stupid people.
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    Fuck Bars!!

    some ppl may need them, in the right dose. there not too bad to do every once in awhile, like one or 2 blue ones. the main problem is when ppl that dont need them get on them almost every day for like a week or 2 n they completely become someone else, for the worse. a group of my close friends...
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    Salvia.. done it?

    shew salvia.... i have only done 60x and its by far the most intense thing iv done, n i have done most. puts you into another twisted world and impossible to fight. makes you wonder how something that crazy can be legal. the only thing i really dont like about it is that its like you cant...
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    Your Favourite Stoner Music

    bobby dylan, led zeppelin, steve miller band, jimi hendrix, black sabbath(war pigs), n clutch.... check em out but first bongsmilie
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    miracle grow.

    hey man im with ya, im part of the wv scene too :blsmoke:
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    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    rap is crap lol
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    Will this light setup work?

    alright im starting to get a little concerned about the heat, the tips of the leaves are starting to curl up and the soil drys out like twice a day. is the heat doing this or something else? i have been using a spray bottle to water them a few sprays a day cause it seems to be drying out so...
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    Will this light setup work?

    thanks for the replys, the bulb does get warm and deff makes the closet a little warmer but i really dont think its getting too hot, ill try to get the temp soon. i do have a large fan in the closet and i open the door a lot to let new air in and such. ill see what i can find about lumens for...