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    Who is interested in a Best Beard Off Competition?

    Well, I sure hope this happens. Nothing sexier than a man with a great beard (IMO)! Good luck everyone!
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    Camping Trip

    I love to see kids outdoors, rather than glued to their televisions and/or video games. Looks like you had a great time! Keep up the good work!
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    A burden has been lifted...........Halleluyah!!

    Congratulations! Hope the rest prove to be female, too. If you take care of mother nature, she'll take care of you too. Best of luck!
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    Sour Diesel flowering times?

    First time growing SD - outdoors. A friend gave me two SD clones at the end of June. I have no idea what cut they are, or where their mother came from. But, they are just about the only plants in my garden that have shown NO signs of flowering whatsoever. Should I be concerned? Are SDs...
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    Cheap PH testers? Hurry

    I bought a cheap pH test kit from a local garden store (not sure if Lowes carries this sort of thing, but probably). Cost $6, and is just a bottle of drops, a ph color guide, and a little cup. Fill the little cup half way with water, add a few of the drops, then check the color. Easy enough...
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    Any female growers in Northern Cali?

    Thanks for the responses! I didn't feel the need to respond to Fungus Gnat. Actually, I didn't have time - with all that cooking and cleaning I have to do every day. Sorry, that was sarcasm - not me trying to perpetuate any stereotypes. Sometimes you have to keep a sense of humor about such...
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    One hit you're stoned seeds

    The closest thing to a 1-hit wonder I ever smoked (probably more like a 3-hit wonder) was WW5. As far as I know, it was a Williams Wonder/NL #5 cross. Wow! My entire body went numb. Wish I had some right now!
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    Nutrient advice for begginerHELP

    Hey, I'm pretty much a newbie myself - but I've been using the EarthJuice product line for this year's grow - and the girls seem to be loving it. They are relatively inexpensive. You can find their feeding chart/schedules on-line. I've been following the Advanced schedule for the most part...
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    If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

    ...if the footstool in your living room is actually an old tub of bat guano... ...if you have actually purchased bat guano... ...if you know what panda plastic is... ...if you have ever had the person in line behind you at the grocery store pull a leaf off your back...
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    Any female growers in Northern Cali?

    Okay, so this is only my third summer here - and my first year of growing entirely on my own (spent the first two with a great mentor) - but I'm noticing the lack of female representation in this area. Sure, the ladies seem to make up the bulk of the trimmers and 'helpers' - but not actual...
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    Best grow container?

    I guess it depends on how big you're trying to grow, and the location of the pot. I wouldn't use a grow bag, black or white (but especially not black) if your pot will be sitting out in the full summer sun. If you do, I would shade the pot. Love the smartpots though. Can't go wrong with those...
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    girl scout cookies

    Well, I can't say for sure - but I picked up two clones about a month ago from the local dispensary, also sold as GSC, also for $10 each - and they look very similar to yours. Not sure if they're the real deal, but I hope so!
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    Moving to Cali but I have some questions

    Sorry, but I have to agree with angryblackman:-(. Moved here two years ago, and the market was already saturated then. Even more saturated now. Have only met one grower that is consistently able to sell to a dispensary - and he is like the zen master of pot. And the dispensary will only take...
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    What really pisses you off?

    My dog. He barks frantically at ravens flying overhead like they are about to drop missiles on us - and terrorizes our cat and goats. But the deer chomping away on our plants in the garden, or the mouse running right past his face in the kitchen - they don't get a second glance. By the way...
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    anybody dealing with gophers?

    Haven't had a problem personally - but know a guy with a really bad gopher problem. He did line his holes, but the gophers found a way to get through a few of them. What he ended up doing (and has now done this for several years) was placing bamboo poles around the perimeter of his garden (every...
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    SouthEastern Kentucky, Growing in the Mountains

    Gorgeous plants! I'll be moving to SouthEastern KY next year (from Northern California), and I wasn't too happy about the move - until I saw your post, that is! Don't get me wrong, I love KY. Spent many days hiking around Natural Bridge. It's a beautiful state. But, wasn't sure about growing...
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    Newbie needs help with outdoor feeding

    I've had good luck with the EarthJuice products. They are the nastiest smelling products on the market, I swear. But, something that smells that bad must work, right? I pretty much follow their Advanced Feeding Schedule (which you can find online) - but the Grow, Bloom and Catalyst are the main...
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    I am by no means an experienced grower - but I would advise picking up a water meter. You can get them for less than $10 at most garden stores (or you can spend a whole lot more, if you want something fancier). I check every plant, every day. Probably a bit excessive - but I'm fairly new to the...
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    need organic way to lower water ph ALOT

    I use vinegar (specifically apple cider vinegar) to lower my ph on non-feeding days. My ph typically runs about 7.5, and takes about 1 tbsp/gallon of vinegar to get the ph down to where I want it. I have also used Vitamin B1 to lower the ph (roughly 1 tbsp/gallon again). Pretty sure that's not...