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  1. Grimsoul

    HomeMade AeroPonics

    Thanks! But can 24/7 be done successfully if spray pressure is carefully tuned ?
  2. Grimsoul

    can u re-use soil?

    No. Especially if in pots, unless you purge and refortify the soil. A plant consumes nutrients in the soil and leaves several salt build ups which makes the soil TOXIC for the next grow.
  3. Grimsoul

    PC Micro Grow Beginning Week 2

    destroy the pests and keep them that way. the leaf looks like a nute defficency but i cant say which
  4. Grimsoul

    HomeMade AeroPonics

    Yo, Seasoned soil grower, 1st time hydro -> need a little direction. Building a home made aeroponics system with a few pumps, pvc pipes and a micro sprinklers, and i was wondering if it was play to leave the micro sprayers on 24/7 or would that drown the roots?
  5. Grimsoul

    Cali Kush 1st Grow

    Do i really have to be the one to say it?! Dont add anything to a plant that you wouldnt SMOKE. God knows whats going to happen if you smoke food colouring, full of chemicals and carcinogens. Come on... One last time: What you put in your plant, is what comes out. What do you think THC is ...
  6. Grimsoul

    The actual product looks nothing like it was described

    its called genetics, take a lesson
  7. Grimsoul

    Hotboxing [notblunts] Your Grow Room

    you will scar your babies for life. how would you like it if i smoked a human being around you ?
  8. Grimsoul

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    what is the meaning of life?
  9. Grimsoul

    HEY EXPERT!Am I On The Right Track???

    Nothing is better than alluminum foil. The inside of chip bags are made of mylar. innovate.
  10. Grimsoul

    Great Stoner Quotes

    " what the fuck is the internet? " - j and bob
  11. Grimsoul

    Help, plants dying with 2-3 weeks to go :~(

    they look fine man , i'd reccomend to add 1 week to ur harvest date , because it will deff. be stunted
  12. Grimsoul

    Anyone know why my plants are so small at 3 weeks?

    fair enough , i was harsh myself , its possible but a long shot wow 50F ? well there you go , it seems both i and kid canabiss was wrong - seems like a combo of poor soil/low temps. it doesnt matter whos right , as both diagnosis is caused by the soil, just change ur soil and warm ur babies up
  13. Grimsoul

    Anyone know why my plants are so small at 3 weeks?

    uhh kid canabiss , i it slows growth but doesnt cause nute lockout, the 'drooping' is caused by lack of oxygen and is why the plant is stunted. weed doesnt like cold roots , and yes it slows down growth but does NOT show symptoms on leaves. the colour of the leaves says it all. ultimatley, you...
  14. Grimsoul

    Anyone know why my plants are so small at 3 weeks?

    *smacks forehead * if it was a light problem , it would be stretching its way up to everest. if it was over watering the plant would be drooping and twisting, true the second picture looks like overwatering. but since both plants are stunted, and the first one seems to be fine in terms of...
  15. Grimsoul

    Anyone know why my plants are so small at 3 weeks?

    Im 100% sure its either a deffiency or ph imbalance locking out a nute. Change your soil and start over
  16. Grimsoul

    Anyone know why my plants are so small at 3 weeks?

    Thats a deffiency! Iron maybe magnesium
  17. Grimsoul

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    yo dude , i read about up to page 2 of this post and can spot a few problems that probably wont kill ur plant but iwll slow its growth and bud production: 1) soil is too compact or sandy, it should never crack like that - this probably lead to a boron deffeiceny ( micro nutrient ) which is what...
  18. Grimsoul

    first time growing does it look good?

    2 Its alright , but you wont grow alot of weed If you realllllyy can only have 2 , make sure its close to the plant with alot of reflective material around it i say get at least 2 more
  19. Grimsoul

    starting a grow in a country with power cuts.

    ... i wasnt trying to be funny. $50 says this guy is in a war torn country
  20. Grimsoul

    Ethics of Guerilla growing on someone else's land

    grow your dope , and leave a note saying: ' sorry i used your land , ill throw a bud your way when i done , k peace thnx '