Ethics of Guerilla growing on someone else's land


Well-Known Member
do you seriously have such little respect for others and their property that you would jeopardize them just so you can grow some pot? you are either 16 years old or have never owned property before, which is it?
Are you talking about me? If you are, you should probably read the rest of this thread .... at one point I specifically said, when someone asked how old I was ...

Personally, I would prefer not to answer. If you really want to know I'll send a pm out, but I don't really see how this matters. I'm not 16 or 60. Old enough to own land, but not old enough to have accumulated the money to buy alot of it.
And if you are claiming that I have never owned land before, perhaps you should read THE THIRD SENTENCE OF THE FIRST POST!

Due to a number of reasons, I have decided against growing indoors for a while. So I decided to try my luck at growing outdoors. The only problem is that I don't have enough land of my own to grow on (of course not counting the 1/4 acre of residential land that I own).
As far as the rest of it goes,

if you follow through with your grow on someone elses land, i hope you get whats coming to you. obviously you are in need of a big wake up call to get your attitude in check if you think what you are planning is no big deal.
I am actually agreeing with you, just disagreeing with the way you are going about explaining your reasoning. As I also have already stated that I'm not alright with growing on someone else's land, mainly due to the increased risk that the owner has, with no potential increased benefit that he could receive.

But the difference is, I use logic, reasoning, and an open minded attitude when I talk to others. You just insult, and wish harm on others. I can't ever imagine wishing that someone gets busted. EVER! If you have ever seen the inside of a prison (let alone did time, which i gladly have never done) then you would know that to even your worst enemy, or the individual that holds the exact opposite ideals as you doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. If you have a problem with the way someone is doing something, explain to them how you feel, why you feel that way, and explain alternatives. If they choose not to follow your mentality, that is their choice.

Man, quoting and going back through all of these posts is time consuming ... and tiring .... especially when you have to do it for someone who is too lazy to read the thread they are posting in .....


Active Member you need a hug or what? like i said, harden up! its the internet, mommy wont help you here.

this just seems kinda odd...

you acknowledge that you know its wrong to grow on someone elses land, yet you post a thread in hopes of getting support from others to justify your decision. you already knew you were doing this grow before you started the thread. any negative feedback is taken personally because it makes you feel bad inside, yet you will still do it anyways.

may you reap what you sow :blsmoke:


Active Member
He already explained much of that on the previous pages.

You should really try reading the entire thread before you comment at the end.


Active Member
read through 100 posts just to confirm what i was thinking?
Haha, your such a lazy ass.

No, don't read through 100 posts just to confirm what you think ... read through them because that's what you are supposed to do.

Do what you like, I don't care. But if you don't read the thread, then ...


Well-Known Member
grow your dope , and leave a note saying:

' sorry i used your land , ill throw a bud your way when i done , k peace thnx '


Well-Known Member
Ethics are a personal thing, as you can see by the variety of responses here.

Obviously you have no problem breaking the law. I agree that it would be more considerate to find government land to plant on. It could also be more risky.

Don't feel bad about moving dead trees around, that's a little silly. What you should feel bad about is the possibility of abandoning your plants and letting them procreate. They can spread and spread like thistles, choking out grass and other plants. If the owner runs cattle on the land, you could eventually have a very damaging effect on the operation, since there would be less grass and cattle don't like to eat grass around weeds. The worst thing is they lose potency!

You sound like you care about what you do and its effect on others, so just follow your conscience.

a little far fetched, but possible???


New Member
I see where you said you have two renters, so you don't want to grow in your yard. Have you given any thought to setting up a micro grow in your own bedroom? Just throwing the thought out there...


Well-Known Member
I see where you said you have two renters, so you don't want to grow in your yard. Have you given any thought to setting up a micro grow in your own bedroom? Just throwing the thought out there...
I've historically grown in cabinets. Have done so for years. But one of the renters has exhibited a disinterest in mj. Well, perhaps a little more than a disinterest. It would have been helpful to know this before, but I signed a lease with him, and he has his rights for the time being.

My house or not, if he isn't alright with me growing in there, I don't think I should be.

I learned from the experience though. Don't rent rooms out unless you know the people.


New Member
Legally, he is not liable for anything taking place in your room. With some good carbon filters, he would never even know.

No risk to anyone but yourself that way. Just my .02

Good luck whatever you decide.


Well-Known Member
SpecialKayMe.... Do the GG. Always trust your gut feelings......that renter thing could go bad - way too easy.....
Outdoor growing just has losses associated with it. Rabbits, Deer, Rippers...etc... love the leaf also. Plant twice what you think you need - spread them out over a greater area & no worries.
No veggie garden style rows. Zig um' & Zag um'...... Plus, read Subcool's Super Soil thread in the Organics Forums. Prep your soil now, for the planting later. Now's the time to do it - no one's looking for Mary right now & you'll sweat less....
If the land is worth that & not close to a major highway or industrial area - chances are - it will not sell anytime soon.
Life's a Garden - Dig It.... no, no ... that's not my line....
Keep it Real...Organic.... yes - that's it......
(status check) Ohsogreen is currently Stoned on Organically - Grow-illa Grown Buddage....

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
There are no ethics about growing on someone elses land. You just have to be a ninja so that you are not detected. Leave no tracks or rubbish.
If i were you i'd go hard and make use of it. If you stand around scratching your head wondering what to do then another season will go by and you'll have no kronik.
One thing you must do is make sure there are no other grow op's on the same turf or there could be trouble. if there is then try find a spot further in then check the surrounding area for up to a km so that you know other growers won't be in your turf.
Also don't put all your plants in one garden, have several gardens in different locations or spot plant so that your chances of success will be better and with outdoor gardening you have to realize that you may not get back what you think. You have to plant more to try get back something. there are many things that go wrong outdoors eg. animals, male plants, the weather (too dry or too wet) the rippers, cops and the blue dye, mold and many other problems so cater for them and if they all come through then bonus. If over 75% fail then at least you'll come out with something. Good luck and go hard
sure there are ethics involved. Anybody who is telling you different is a fucking renter, or a fucking moron! But no way are they a land owner! Like dude said, your fuck up and he loses his land thru DEA Seizure laws. And you're saying no ethics are involved. As a guerilla grower of over 35 years in Hawaii, and now a land owner in Hawaii, and a smoker too. I'd be pissed if I found someone else plants on my property! Feds aren't gonna believe you when you tell them it's not yours.
So if you don't have the cojones to grow on your own land. At least have the decency to grow on state land or federal land!