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  1. Sears&Roebuck

    One foot tall plant???

    it looks root bound, try putting it in a bigger pot
  2. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    those are some hawt looking buds Doc. and the leaves are very dark green!
  3. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    I can't wait to see how this apple juice treatment will turn out
  4. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    I find my self staring at my plant (Plant A; Sears&Roebuck) in the morning when I wake them up every day, admiring just how many more little white crystals have accumulated on the leaves since the last time I saw them :mrgreen: oh yeah, and new avatar :blsmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:joint:
  5. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    the little bud that could.
  6. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    so ary (I shortened yours too!) are you growing for personal/friends and family use?
  7. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    I would give up weed for whole hours to be able to have a grow like this, awesome job man :blsmoke:
  8. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    theres some things I agree with you about in this, and some things I don't, but I won't turn this into a philosophical discussion on weed forums :P
  9. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    lmfao that takes the cake. btw, figure out the name yet, mary?
  10. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    Hey mary, I heard you sent this question to yahoo answers. :mrgreen::joint:
  11. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    I wish there was a way to take a pic of your growroom showing the nice white light thats actually there instead of it turning into ugly yellow like a cigarette stain
  12. Sears&Roebuck

    My first attempt at growing

    my babies mamah
  13. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    lol, good luck sorting through the 10,000 pages of google search results :P lets see how long it takes ya :D
  14. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    and by "these plants" I mean of course my own plant, she will name her own smoke :P
  15. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    thanks for the rep :D the Sears and Roebuck reference is from my favorite series of books, also from which I have the name for the particular weed these plants will be producing picked out. I won't reveal it yet, but with a little research, I'm sure you could find out ;)
  16. Sears&Roebuck

    powhitetrash Grow

    I'm loving the way my plant is turning out, nice and compact, not much lower stem growth, but its smelling very nicely now, and starting to get frost-like THC building on the inner leaves :D
  17. Sears&Roebuck


    Hail fellow earthikens, my name is... well, you can just call me Sears&Roebuck (non-plural :joint:) I live in the general state of Washington, I'm 19 years old, been into the pot culture for about 2 years :-? nice to meet ya.